Nipissing University alumni honoured for outstanding achievements

North Bay, ON – On Friday, November 18, Nipissing University recognized the achievements of some of its outstanding alumni at its annual Alumni Awards reception, part of the University’s Homecoming Weekend celebrations.
Five awards were presented including the Dr. James Jamieson Influential Alumni Award, Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award, Rising Star Award, Honorary Alumni Award and Philanthropy Award.
Gemma Victor was named the recipient of the Dr. James Jamieson Influential Alumni Award, presented to a graduate whose dedication and leadership has influenced significant change within their community. A dedicated advocate for the environment and social justice issues, Victor served as the President of Greening Nipissing and co-founder of Equity Inclusion North Bay. As a supportive mentor for Black students at the University, Victor was awarded the Minister of College and Universities’ Award of Excellence in the Category or Equality and Opportunity.
The Distinguished Alumni Achievement Award was awarded to Stacie Fiddler. This award is presented to an alumnus whose achievements and excellence in their endeavours have distinguished themselves as a valued leader. Fiddler has led the Labour Market Group as Executive Director since 2003. With over 15 years of demonstrated leadership in career management, labour market planning and strategy development, she has been responsible for leading and implementing new workforce development initiatives and employment program supports at the local and provincial level.
Avery Beall is this year’s winner of the Rising Star Alumni Award, presented to a recent graduate of Nipissing University who has demonstrated significant achievements on a professional, community, volunteer basis, or has displayed promise of significant future accomplishments. Beall is an Analyst with Statistics Canada in the Centre for Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion Statistics and a Project Facilitator at Nipissing University. As the only transgender member on his team, Beall plays a pivotal role in the representation and advocacy of trans individuals in research. In his personal time, Avery participates and advocates for others, as a member of a Trans* Justice group that ensures the recognition and support of transgender scholars in North America and abroad.
The Honorary Alumni Award was awarded to Dr. Toivo Koivukoski. This award is presented to an individual who is not a graduate of the University, but whose actions and dedication have had a positive impact on the Nipissing University experience. Koivukoski is a Professor of Philosophy, Political Science and Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Nipissing University as well as the Head Coach of Nipissing Lakers Nordic. In these roles, Koivukoski has proven to be a tireless supporter of students, always putting their best interests first, and has made Nipissing University feel like home for many students, especially student-athletes.
Macrina Perron was recognized with the Philanthropy Alumni Award, presented to an alumnus or champion of Nipissing University who is making significant contributions to improve their community through generosity, dedication, commitment, and service. After receiving a diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) for both of her children in 2009, Perron became a volunteer with Cystic Fibrosis Canada and has led the community in fundraising initiatives such as the Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History and has participated in raising over two million dollars for the Worldwide Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History: Peru and Iceland Editions. Since 2018, Perron has been advocating to the provincial and federal governments and in 2021, the federal and provincial governments had approved access to life-saving medications to 90% of Canadians living with CF. Perron is proud to have played a role in this historical advancement.
“These outstanding alumni are a true testament to the calibre of our graduates, their impact on our communities, and what you can achieve with a Nipissing education,” Dr. Kevin Wamsley, President, and Vice-Chancellor at Nipissing University. “On behalf of the University, I’d like to congratulate this year’s award recipients on this well-earned recognition. You embody what it means to be a Laker and make our community proud.”
For full biographies and interviews with this year’s recipients, visit
Media Contact
Carly Johnston
Communications Officer
Nipissing University
(705) 474-3450 ext. 4035