Protocol Submission

Applications for Research with Human Participants

Requirements for submission of a complete protocol: 

  • Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS 2) CORE-2022 Certificate of Completion - for all project team members (create an account with your Nipissing email address and complete training here). Note that as of July 2022, we will only accept the newest version of the CORE module (CORE-2022).
  • Participant Information Letter/Consent - if required
  • Confidentiality Forms - if required
  • Recruitment Posters/Adverts - if required
  • Additional Certifications/Approvals - if required
  • Community Engagement Plans - if appropriate (through Office of Indigenous Initiatives)

See the Protocol Forms page for guides to creating Participant Information Letters and recruitment materials. If you would like further assistance or samples, contact

REB will not review incomplete protocols. If your protocol has any missing or incomplete information, it will be returned to you for completion before NUREB review. In all cases the Principal Investigator (PI) is required to make the official submission of a protocol. The PI must confirm that all information within the application is accurate and they believe the application is ready for review. In the cases of student research, the faculty supervisor shall be designated the PI.

Types of Reviews:

Minimal risk studies will be eligible for Delegate Review (2 reviewers, 1 chair). Allow up to 5-6 weeks after submission for the Research Ethics Board to respond with a decision.

Above minimal risk studies may require Full Board Review (reviewed by all REB members, 1 chair). Allow a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks after submission for the REB to respond with a decision.

Events for Research with Human Participants:

  • Renewals
  • Modifications
  • Report on Adverse Events
  • Final Reports

If minor in nature, events are reviewed by the REB Chair or Vice-Chair. Allow up to 1 week after submission for a response with decision on any event.