Annual Commercialization Plans
Public Statement on the Annual Commercialization Plan - Year 2 (2024):
1.0 IP Development and Commercialization Successes
The overall goal of the CMPF is to help postsecondary institutions become more intentional in the generation, management, protection and commercialization of IP for the benefit of Ontario’s economy and long-term competitiveness.
For the purposes of this document, “IP development and commercialization success” is broadly defined as actions, activities and/or partnerships that can help further this goal, by:
- Improving IP capacity at postsecondary institutions through programming, training and information related to IP; and,
- Increasing commercialization opportunities for IP developed at or supported by the postsecondary institutions.
As identified in the Year 1 ACPs and summarized in IPON’s report, it is clear that while each institution has a unique starting point and capacity to undertake research, innovation, and commercialization activities, Ontario’s colleges and universities are making concerted efforts in their commitment to the objectives of the CMPF, regardless of whether this was previously an institutional focus. It is also evident that the sector is undertaking important work to maximize the value of the IP generated through Ontario-based research.
As noted earlier in this document, your institution is required to publish this section, supplementing the Year 1 ACP information your institution has already posted. The objective is to deepen understanding of the work underway, showcase success and inform best practices. The ministry understands that each institution will complete this section based on their own individual context, area of focus, strength, and progress and that “success” will be differently interpreted and defined on this basis.
Q. Describe your institution’s greatest IP development and/or commercialization success over the Year 2 reporting period, whether it is through programmatic/policy development or a specific case study.
In collaboration with Laurentian University, Lakehead University, and Trent University, Nipissing University was a member of the Northern and Rural Innovation Cluster funded by IPON. This Cluster of institutions worked together to identify and share resources for intellectual property, commercialization, and innovation within their respective northern and rural communities. Regionally, Nipissing hosted a regional IP education and networking event for researchers, local industry partners, and local ecosystem agencies. There were approximately 40 attendees and the event resulted in the formation of new connections and further strengthening of existing network connections. The Cluster also hosted a provincial event, with a focus on innovation and commercialization in the sectors currently prioritized by IPON (battery electric vehicles, critical minerals, and cleantech sectors). Government officials, academic institutions, funding agencies, local Regional Innovation Centers and industry were all in attendance, representing approximately 80 attendees. As a final output for the year-long project, the Cluster created an asset map to highlight and identify the expertise within each institution and local ecosystems related to three specific sectors (BEV, cleantech, critical minerals) as a resource to help post-secondary partners, researchers, and industry form connections. This year-long project's success has strengthened relationships and expanded our network and contributed to increased collaborations in support of future funding applications.
As a result of networks developed through the past year, particularly the Canadian Tech Transfer Program, Nipissing University now has resources to utilize as we progress through the development of our IP Policy.
Public Statement on the Annual Commercialization Plan - Year 1 (2023):
Nipissing University is committed to developing processes, awareness, education, and supports for the commercialization of research, knowledge, and scholarly activities. The Office of Graduate Studies, Research and Innovation (ORIGS), under the oversight of the incumbent Associate Vice President, Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies (AVP, RIGS), will develop the infrastructure necessary to support innovation and commercialization at Nipissing University.
The primary mission of a publicly funded institution is to create and disseminate public knowledge. The goal of Nipissing University’s Commercialization Policy, together with the Strategic Research Plan (2019-2024) and Intellectual Property Policy is to encourage the creation of intellectual property (IP), and to facilitate the development and commercialization of IP, while safeguarding the academic freedom and interest of the University, its faculty, staff, and students.
At Nipissing University, we approach research and innovation activities in a manner that aligns with our mission and values, protects our intellectual property, and ensures that agreements are mutually beneficial for the parties involved. As outlined in our Strategic Research Plan (2019-2024), we “seek to maintain and grow our leadership role in research areas relevant to the regional community that have national and global impact. Simultaneously, Nipissing continues to encourage and support groundbreaking research in other areas of strength.
- This mission will be achieved in part through our researchers working in our region with Indigenous and other partners in a way that not only allows us to make a difference in our community but influence discovery and dialogue on important issues around the world.
- The success of this mission depends not only on the researchers themselves but also on institutional support; not solely based on monetary assistance but also human resources at all levels. Continued investment in our research infrastructure is central to the fulfillment of our mission.
- This mission must also include our students; allowing them to participate in forward- looking discussion and debate as well as participate in real groundbreaking research projects, learning research skills that provide the foundation for the next generation of research excellence.”
Part of having this regional focus is that we frequently enter into research agreements with Indigenous Communities. As such, we would approach our partnerships and agreements in a good way, with respect for the First Nations principles of OCAP (Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession) and other principles and teachings that guide our relationships and agreements.
In our Year 1 Annual Commercialization Plan (ACP), Nipissing University was given the opportunity to describe our engagement with the private sector, research, and innovation intermediaries, Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON), and our on-campus research and innovation ecosystem. In terms of private sector engagement, we highlighted our overall approach to partnerships with the private sector, our strengths in providing innovative services to Ontarians, and examples of our recent partnerships secured to date. We also discussed how we have engaged with research and innovation intermediaries to date. This includes agencies through the BioEnterprise Network, Innovation Initiatives Ontario North (iiON), IPON, and promoting access to educational opportunities related to intellectual property, innovation, and commercialization.