To access all Ethics forms - click here to sign into the ROMEO system.
Guidance Documents not in the Romeo system
- NUREB Guide: Participant Information Letters (Informed Consent) - List of requirements and examples for the creation of the Participant Information Letter (PIL)
- NUREB Guide: Recruitment Materials
- NUREB Guide: Course-Based Research
- Statement of Confidentiality - To be used for Research Assistants, transcribers etc.
TCPS2 Certificate of Completion
Each member of the research team must complete the TCPS2 online tutorial (CORE-2022). Note that as of July 2022, we will only accept the newest version of the CORE module (CORE-2022). Submission of the Certificate of Completion is required. Tutorial is found at the following link:
For Nipissing students, faculty and staff, please ensure that you use your Nipissing University e-mail address to register in Romeo.
Researchers External to Nipissing University
If you are external to Nipissing University/Canadore College and wish to conduct research with Nipissing or Canadore faculty, staff or students, you must first obtain (1) institutional authorization (Institutional Support for Research Request) from the Associate Vice-President, Research, Innovation & Graduate Studies and then (2) ethical approval from the Nipissing University Research Ethics Board.
Once you have obtained a signed institutional authorization form, you can request ethical approval by completing an Institution Approval Request using the Romeo system. You will need to attach your home institution’s approved protocol, ethical clearance letter/certificate, and all corresponding appendices.
Research with Canadore College
Please note that NUREB approval does not signify authorization from Canadore College to participate. Nipissing University acts as their REB and reviews files for ethical compliance only. Prior to submitting your application to the NUREB, you should contact Canadore College directly regarding their willingness to participate. Proof of institutional authorization should be included in the application as a condition of final approval.
Please contact the Research Office for institutional authorization: