External Funding and Budgeting Tools

There are many organizations and companies that provide funding for students, regardless of the university they are attending.​ The following links will take you to sites that offer information on scholarship and bursary programs beyond those offered by Nipissing University. Some of these sites also provide valuable tools in planning for a post-secondary education.

Study in Canada Scholarship

The new Study in Canada Scholarships offer full academic scholarships for up to 2 years of study at the post-secondary level that leads to a post-secondary or Master's degree at a university in Canada.  It is open to students from all disciplines.  Applicants must be citizens of an eligible country, as outlined in the "eligibility" section of the website.  Deadline to apply is March 15. 

Please contact the School of Graduate Studies (sgs@nipissingu.ca) for more information.

Veterans' Education and Training Benefit

A benefit is available through Veteran's Affairs Canada that provides veterans with six years of service up to $40,000 and veterans with at least 12 years of service up to $80,000. It can be used to cover tuition, course materials and living expenses. Veterans may register for the program online on their “my VAC account”, in person at a Veterans Affairs Canada office or by mailing in an application form.

Further details on the program can be found on the Veterans Affairs Canada website, including a FAQs, eligibility, finances and program/course information.

Royal Ca​nadian Legion Branch 23​​

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23 is pleased to offer the following bursaries to students who meet the criteria established by Branch 23.

The Veterans Memorial Bursary: Two (2) Veteran’s Memorial Bursaries, each in the amount of $500.00 are awarded annually to two (2) students of Nipissing University who, along with meeting the general bursary criteria, also meet the following criteria:

  • Has completed successfully a minimum of eighteen credits (18) at Nipissing University within the previous twelve (12) months of the date of bursary application
  • Is continuing to be registered and attending as a student at Nipissing University, and
  • Is in good academic standing

The President’s Bursary: The President’s Bursary in the amount of $500.00 is awarded semi-annually (spring and fall) to one mature student who, along with meeting any necessary general bursary criteria, also meets the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates their intent to achieve a higher level of educational or vocational qualification in a vocational or trade related program at Canadore College in order to enhance employment or career opportunities, and
  • who has not been enrolled in a school, college or university program for a minimum of two (2) years, and who will attend a recognized course of study.

Special Bursary: Master Corporal Stephen Smith Memorial Bursary

One (1) Special Bursary in the amount of $500.00 to be awarded to one student who has successfully completion of Secondary School or to one student from Nipissing University or Canadore College who are in at least their first year.  Qualifying students must meet any necessary general bursary criteria established by Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23.

Notwithstanding the above, and in consideration that the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 23 holds in high regard the interests and well- being of Veterans and Branch members and their families, priority and preference in consideration of an application will also be given if the applicant's family circumstances places them in either of the following categories:

  • War veterans and their dependents
  • Ordinary and Associate members of Branch 23 and their dependents

Bursaries will be awarded upon satisfactory documentation of acceptance in the intended educational institution or program. Such documentation need not necessarily be submitted with the bursary application. Applications must be submitted in the original copy only. A brief letter accompanying the application and outlining the applicant's educational goals, personal interests and description of any volunteer or community involvement would be welcomed.

Applications can be either mailed to the address included in the cover letter, or emailed to branch23legion@gmail.com.

The application DEADLINE is April 30th, 2025. Applications received after that time will not be accepted.

Scholarships Canada

Scholarsh​ipsCanada.com has compiled a database of many of the scholarships, bursaries and awards offered by companies and organizations across Canada. Set up a profile to find out if you qualify for any of these awards.

More information can be found on the Scholarships Canada website.

OPSEU Scholarships​

OPSEU provides a number of scholarships to students attending either college or university.

Please visit the OPSEU website for more information.

Workers' Health & Safety Centre Scholarships​

Workers Health & Safety Centre offers several scholarships and bursaries to students who are Ontario residents, and beginning their first year of full or part-time studies leading to a degree, diploma or certificate from a publicly-funded Ontario College or University. Entrants must not have graduated high school prior to summer of 2015.

Please visit the WHSC website for more information.

Toptal STEM scholarships

Toptal supports aspiring female computer scientists, developers, and software engineers to achieve their goals via financial support and mentorship by top professional developers and designers; twelve $5000 scholarships.

Please visit the Toptal website for more information.

School​ Finder

Find information on more than 700 Canadian universities, colleges and career colleges, including admission requirements, costs, programs and contact details. View interactive virtual campus e-Tours TM. Search by keyword for programs, schools, careers and scholarships.

Use the powerful advanced search for schools and scholarships on the Schoolfinder website to get customized results.

Mensa ​Canada

Mensa Canada S​ociety has scholarship funds available to both graduate and undergraduate students in all faculties.

Visit the Mensa Canada website for more information.

Universities Canada

Universities Canada ​administers more than 150 scholar​ship programs on behalf of a number of organizations and companies.

A​ listing of these awards can be found here.

CanLe​arn Interactive

The Government of Canada provides​ comprehensive information on most aspects of a post-secondary education: choosing the right school, what it might cost, budgeting, student loans, a repayment calculator and much more.

Please visit the Student Aid and Education Planning website for more information.

NEADS​​ Disability Awards

Student​s can register to search through an extensive database of awards for students with a disability.

For more information, please visit the NEADS website.

Bill 7 Award

The Bill 7 Award Trust will award 17 scholarships of $4000 each to students who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer or two-spirited, and who demonstrate a financial need. Students must also attend or be accepted by a post-secondary educational institution in Ontario and are pursuing their first post-secondary program of study. All applications must be received by Friday, August 2, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Applications may be found here.

Financial Consum​er Agency of Canada

The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) ensures federally regulated financial entities comply with consumer protection measures, promotes financial education and raises consumers’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities. 

Please visit FCAC website for more information. 

About your Money - Students

About Your Money Students is a free financial education seminar program for Canadian students.

Please visit the Canadian Bankers Association website for more information.

Get Smarter About Money

The Ontario Securities Commission provides great tools for general annual expenses and budgeting for the duration of your degree.

Please visit the OSC website for more information.

Scholar Tree

Scholarships made simple - use a search engine to match external awards to your profile.

Please visit the ScholarTree website for more information.

The Deloitte Canada Black and Indigenous Student Scholarship

Deloitte is committed to building and leveraging an inclusive culture in everything they do to help build and develop future leaders in Canada.

This year, Deloitte Canada is extremely proud to announce the launch of the Black Student Scholarship and Indigenous Student Scholarship.

25 students across Canada will be selected and awarded a one-time $5,000 scholarship towards eligible school expenses, and an opportunity to complete a work term at one of our Canadian offices this year.

Application details can be found here.

Sixsurgery Scholarship

SixSurgery, a leader in cosmetic and plastic surgery, will award a $1,000 scholarship to one deserving student who has demonstrated leadership in medical or health related fields. A winner will be selected according to their academic achievements, and their submission of a short essay or video presentation.

Application details can be found here.

Ad Standards Scholarship

Each year, Ad Standards offers two $1500 scholarships for post-secondary students. To apply, students must be enrolled in an undergraduate advertising or marketing program at a Canadian university or college. One scholarship is open to students attending a primarily English post-secondary institution and one is open to students attending a primarily French post-secondary institution. Successful applicants display a commitment to volunteerism, a record of academic excellence, and an interest in pursuing a career in advertising or marketing.

Application details can be found here.


Apply now for the CNAfreetraining.com annual scholarship! As one of the internet’s leading providers of free CNA training materials like a free CNA practice testCNA salary information, and CNA skills test tips, CNA knows that employers are always looking for qualified CNAs. They want to do their part to make sure there are qualified applicants for them to hire by offering a scholarship to aspiring CNAs.

If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, click here for more information.

Storwell Foster Children Bursary Program

Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 to support foster children as they pursue their post-secondary education and to help them as they progress into a new and exciting stage of their lives.

If you are interested in applying for this bursary, click here for more information.

Student Awards

Find the money to pay for school. Student Awards helps find you the right scholarships, bursaries, and student awards, then sends them directly to your inbox.

Click here for more information.

RBC Future Launch Scholarships

The RBC Future Launch Scholarship for Indigenous Youth will award 20 scholarships annually valued up to $10,000 each per year (up to 4 years) to First Nations, Inuit and Métis students across Canada demonstrating strong academic performance and community involvement.

Please click here for eligibility and application details.

Weston Family Awards in Northern Research

Since 2007, the Weston Family Awards in Northern Research have provided unparalleled support to young scientists in Canada pursuing research in Canada’s North. Funded by the Weston Family Foundation, these annual awards are some of the most prestigious in the country for students pursuing a master’s degree, a doctoral degree or postdoctoral fellowship. Nearly 300 students have been selected to receive an award since the program’s inception, forming a community of Weston Family Northern Scientists who are at the forefront of northern scholarship and who are helping shape a better future for Canada and the world.

For a list of available awards, and application details, please click here.

SARIT Scholarship Program

The SARIT Scholarship Program is a new national awards competition open to students studying at a Canadian university.

The program is looking for the best and most innovative solutions on how we can improve the economy while also improving the environment.

The students with the best ideas will receive prizes that include electric vehicles and internships at one of the world’s leading electric mobility companies.

For scholarship and application details, please click here.

CSA Group Undergraduate Research Scholarships

The purpose of the CSA Group Undergraduate Research Scholarship is to support undergraduate students in the pursuit of novel research related to standards. The research is to be conducted over a summer term under the direct supervision of an academic advisor. Undergraduate degree students studying at a publicly-funded, accredited Canadian college or university in their second year of study or higher are eligible to apply.

The research can be conducted in any field (e.g., engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a central component of the research. The research may investigate aspects of an existing standard or may explore an area for future standards development. The topic does not need to be related to an area where CSA Group already has standards. Applications are due January 31st.

For application details, please click here.

CSA Group Graduate Scholarship

The purpose of the CSA Group Graduate Scholarship is to support graduate students in the pursuit of novel research related to standards. Graduate students at the Master’s level studying or accepted into a publicly-funded, accredited Canadian university are eligible to apply.

The research can be conducted in any field (e.g., engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a component of the research. The research may investigate aspects of an existing standard or may explore an area for future standards development. The topic does not need to be related to an area where CSA Group already has standards. Applications are due March 31st.

For application details, please click here.

AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program

The AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program recognizes the obstacles faced by students living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and supports them in rising above their personal challenges in pursuit of their dreams.

Supported by an educational grant from AbbVie, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada will extend 15 one-time scholarships of up to $5,000 to students living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis who are entering into or currently attending a post-secondary educational institution for the fall semester of 2022. The AbbVie IBD Scholarship is a competitive bursary.

Application deadline is June 1, 2022. For more information, or to access the online application, please visit www.ibdscholarship.ca 

Rhodes Scholarship

Rhodes Scholarships will be hosting an informational webinar about the Rhodes Scholarships for Canada this spring. The webinar will include an overview of the Rhodes Scholarship, the annual application process, and an opportunity to ask questions directly to the recent Canadian Rhodes Scholars. There’s also a great series of short videos about Applying for the Rhodes Scholarship on YouTube.

The session for Ontario is taking place on March 7 at 3 pm EST and students interested to attend can register here.

CSA Group Graduate Scholarship

The purpose of the CSA Group Graduate Scholarship is to support graduate students in the pursuit of novel research related to standards. Graduate students at the Master’s level studying or accepted into a publicly-funded, accredited Canadian university are eligible to apply.

The research can be conducted in any field (e.g., engineering, social sciences, health sciences) and must include standards as a component of the research. The research may investigate aspects of an existing standard or may explore an area for future standards development. The topic does not need to be related to an area where CSA Group already has standards.

The application deadline is March 31st. Please visit https://www.csagroup.org/scholarship/ for more information. 

We Care Scholarship

We Care is a charitable organization that supports kids with disabilities. Every year, a scholarship is offered to post-secondary students with disabilities, called the Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship. It is a $3,000 scholarship that is awarded at an annual gala in the spring. This year the deadline for applications is March 31, 2025. 

Please visit https://wecare-canada.org/scholarships/ for application details.

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Bursary

In recognition of the special challenges facing those with hearing loss, a $2,500 bursary is available to assist a full-time student with their tuition or with the purchase of equipment and learning tools key to their success.

Any students interested in applying for this bursary can find the information and applications online at https://www.chhasudbury.com/programs-services/student-bursary/.

Allied Van Lines Scholarship 2022

Allied Van Lines, is committed to improving the future of up and coming logistics and business professionals across Canada and North America.

Allied Van Lines believes that education is significant and they place that belief into their core operating philosophy, and in everything from their standard practices, to their way of living. They are proud to be offering qualifying Canadian students an chance to apply for a new scholarship, which is intended for students across the areas of business, logistics, and similar fields.

Four qualified candidates will be selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each. Application details can be found here.

North American Van Lines Canada Scholarship Opportunity

North American Van Lines 2022 Logistics Scholarship Competition is intended for students in the area of business, logistics, and similar fields.

Four four lucky winners being selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each. Application details can be found here.

Instant Record Check $500 Scholarship Opportunity

Instant Record Check is ecstatic to announce their first-ever Instant Record Check scholarship, which will be awarded to one brilliant student who aspires for excellence and exceptional performance.

This scholarship will be open to both undergrad and graduate students who are attending an accredited university within Canada.

The Instant Record Check scholarship provides a one-time reward of $500 to pay for tuition, books, computers, room and board, or any education-related expense.

There are no GPA requirements and no application forms. This is our way of giving back—supporting individuals who want to pursue their dreams through education.

Application details can be found here

Ronald L. Lees $1,000 Bursary Award

The Bursary was established to ensure that adopted children from our Agency continued to benefit from work Mr. Lees promoted and supported in this area. His guidance and leadership helped create significant changes in the Child Welfare system, at the community and provincial levels.

Application details can be found here. The deadline is June 15, 2022.

Single Women in Motherhood S.M.A.R.T. Scholarship

S.W.I.M.’s unique scholarship program provides financial assistance to single mothers wishing to further their education in a post-secondary academic program. Each year, a single mother is awarded the Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumph (S.M.A.R.T.) Scholarship, and is provided with the opportunity to better her own and her child/children’s lives.

Application details can be found here. The deadline is September 1, 2024.

Pacific Medical Training 2022 Essay Contest

Basic life support is a critical skill for all healthcare providers and advanced and pediatric life support are also practiced by certain nurses and physicians depending on where they are working. Working as a healthcare provider can be a stressful and rewarding career, and PMT is looking for your insight and advice for other students entering the field.

Contest details can be found here.

moneyGenius 2022 Scholarship Canada

moneyGenius (a WeyMedia Inc. business) proudly announces its 3rd annual scholarship available to Canadian students enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate studies.

The chosen student will be awarded CA$2,000 which may be used towards the cost of their studies, helping them get a head start on their personal finance journey as young adults.

For full scholarship and application details, please click here.

creditcardGenius 2022 Scholarship Canada

creditcardGenius (a WeyMedia Inc. business) proudly announces the fourth year of providing a scholarship available to Canadian students enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate studies. We're looking for a student committed to academic excellence, with outstanding academic achievement, no matter what field of study they are in.

The chosen student will be awarded CA$2,000 which may be used towards the cost of their studies, helping them get a head start on their personal finance journey as young adults.

For full scholarship and application details, please click here.

Nora's Nursery Scholarship Program

Nora's Nursery was founded in 2014 after the birth of their daughter, Nora. They built their company around sustainable and affordable products for families. Now they have a chance to give back to growing families who are looking to further their education. Nora's Nursery is now offering a scholarship program for parents in post secondary education, or parents looking to go back to school.

Nora's Nursery is offering a $1000 scholarship through this program. Please click here for more details.

Pink Pearl Scholarship

Pink Pearl would like to help alleviate the stresses of a Canadian women facing cancer by granting a $1,000 scholarship. The organization considers Canadians who self-identify as female; that are involved in their community; are/will be attending a post-secondary institution; and have been diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 18 and 40. 

Please click here for full scholarship details.

Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship

Each year, We Care offers a scholarship to post-secondary students with disabilities, called the Kevin Collins Abilities Scholarship. The scholarship is valued at $3,000 and is awarded at an annual fall gala. The submission deadline is March 31, 2024.

For full scholarship and application details, please click here.

Net Solution's Scholarship

Net Solutions offers an annual scholarship giveaway (2023-24) to expand equal access to education in technology-related fields. Students, current and about-to-enroll, are encouraged to apply.

Scholarship amount: USD $2,500

Who is eligible?

  • Anyone currently enrolled as a full-time student in a 2,3 or 4-year program at Nipissing University OR with an acceptance letter for the same.
  • Students pursuing (or about to join) Coursework directly related to or leading to a degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Human-Computer Interaction, or other related areas.
  • Students who have a cumulative of GPA 2.5 or higher if already enrolled in a program.

How to Participate:

Students are required to submit an original 1000-2000 word piece (along with the research resources) on the topic: What is the future of work - Remote, In-Office, or Hybrid?

Full scholarship and application details can be found here.

Royal Canadian Legion Bursary

The Royal Canadian Legion offers a bursary to students who are either:

  • enrolled in a post secondary school and be an Ex-Service personnel or currently serving member of The Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve and Merchant Navy), or their children and/or grandchildren.
  • a Commonwealth war veterans and their children and grandchildren, or
  • be an Ex-Service Personnel or currently serving member of The Canadian Forces (Regular, Reserve and Merchant Navy) and their children and grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans and their children and grandchildren, or
  •  be an Ordinary or Life Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or the child or grandchild of an Ordinary or Life Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or
  • be an Associate Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or the child of an Associate Member of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or
  • be a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion, or the child or grandchild of a member of the Ladies' Auxiliary of a branch of The Royal Canadian Legion.

Step children and step grandchildren are recognized the same as children and grandchildren, and considered where applicable.  

Full details, and application forms can be found here.

BBPA's National Scholarship Program: Empowering Black Youth for a Brighter Future

About the BBPA National Scholarship Program:

  • Offers financial support for black youth entering or currently enrolled in post-secondary institutions
  • Has empowered numerous black students to achieve success in various fields
  • Provides access to a network of successful black leaders, professionals, and mentors

Application Process:

  1. Visit BBPA National Scholarship Program 2024/25 - BBPA (smapply.io)
  2. Complete the online application form
  3. Submit the required supporting documents before the deadline: July 1, 2024

Please visit the Black Business and Professional Association's website for full details.

Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumphs Scholarship

S.W.I.M.’s unique scholarship program provides financial assistance to single mothers wishing to further their education in a post-secondary academic program. Each year, a single mother is awarded the Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumph (S.M.A.R.T.) Scholarship, and is provided with the opportunity to better her own and her child/children’s lives. Recipients are celebrated during our annual London’s Got Talent fundraiser, an event bringing the community together to support and commemorate all single mothers.

Please visit Single Women Motherhood for full details.

GyanDhan Scholarship

The GyanDhan scholarship is a one-time award that will be given to a student at the beginning of the academic year. The scholarship amount is INR 1 lakh. Irrespective of the course and the country, one student will be awarded the scholarship for their postgraduate program. The scholarship is merit-based and will be presented to the student with excellent academic records and calibre.

How Does GyanDhan Scholarship Work?

GyanDhan scholarship is a financial aid of a fixed amount which will be granted to students based on the merit and strength of the profile submitted.

Who Can Apply?

Students who fit in as per the below-mentioned criteria:

  1. Students who want to pursue a 2-year postgraduate course in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand & Germany. Students who are in the process of applying or have applied but have not yet received an admission letter can also apply for the scholarship.
  2. The student must be an Indian resident with an undergrad degree from an Indian institute.
  3. If the student is planning to take an education loan, the application for the same must start via Gyandhan in one of the partner lenders. Our partner lenders are SBI, BOB, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, Avanse, Auxilo, Incred, Credila & Prodigy Finance.

For full application details, please visit Gyandhan.com.

RYAM Scholarship

The program is designed to support students enrolling at a university, college/cégep in a relevant full-time engineering, technical or skilled trade program. The scholarship provides successful applicants with a financial scholarship of up to $10,000 over four years and a paid summer work internship in one of its facilities.

Program Details and Requirements

4 Scholarships* of $10,000 over 4 years ($2,500/year) will be awarded to successful applicants attending university in a relevant full-time engineering (chemical, industrial, mechanical, electrical or environmental) or related program. All recipients will be offered a guaranteed paid internship during their program of study. Applicants must plan to attend university in Fall 2024 in a relevant full-time Engineering or Professional/Business program.

*1 Scholarship will be awarded to an applicant from an Indigenous community within a RYAM activity area.

Apply online by January 5, 2024

Students who fit in as per the above-mentioned criteria, please apply online by January 5, 2024.

The Richard Bilkszto Scholarship

The Scholarship was created by The Friends of Richard Bilkszto, an Ontario  non-profit corporation. Richard was a Canadian educator who dedicated 24 years of his life to the Toronto District School Board (TDSB). He passionately pursued his commitment to education and positively impacted the thousands of students who passed through the schools where he served as a beloved principal. He tragically passed away in July 2023, and this scholarship has been established to honour his legacy. 

To see the full criteria and to apply for this award, click here. To be eligible for the Richard Bilkszto Scholarship, the applicant will have to be entering into the first year of a Bachelor of Education program (B.Ed.).  They will be required to write a 750-word essay about how they intend to uphold or have upheld Richard’s values: freedom of expression, equality of opportunity, fairness, the merit principle, and a commitment to excellence in education. They must also provide name/contact information for two references and two reference letters (not exceeding 250 words) from each reference. The scholarship is valued at $1,000.

All applications are due by 11:59 pm EDT on March 15, 2025. 

Desjardins Scholarship

Each year, Desjardins awards thousands of scholarships to support students in their academic pursuits, no matter their GPA. Members of the Desjardins Credit Union in Ontario and Quebec are eligible to apply. Scholarships are offered to all post-secondary students: skilled trade school, college or university.  

Applications are being accepted from March 1 to 31 at desjardins.com/scholarships

Provincial Smart Home Services Scholarship Program

Work Towards a Brighter Future with the Provincial Smart Home Services Scholarship  

Provincial Smart Home Services is offering an annual scholarship to help students, who have made a positive environmental impact, pursue post-secondary education. There will be one $5,000 award and two $2,500 awards given out each year. These awards can be used towards any costs associated with your education including tuition fees, housing, textbooks, and other expenses.  

Eligibility Criteria  

Successful Applicants Must:  

The application deadline is July 31, 2024.   

The Citizens’ Foundation - TCF Canada Youth Bursary Program.

TCF Canada is a grassroots organization stemming from the idea that quality education is a prerequisite to opening minds and enriching lives through the power of good values and intellectual curiosity for a better future both on an international and national level. TCF Canada will be expanding its efforts to help students in need throughout Canada for the first time. We aspire to make a difference in our Canadian communities and in Pakistan through the TCF Canada Youth Bursary Program.


  • You are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or hold Landed Protected Persons (Refugees) status
  • You aspire to complete post-secondary studies at the vocational, college diploma or bachelor degree level
  • You have graduated from high school in the last 5 years and enrolled in your post-secondary studies.
  • You are not an immediate family member of a TCF Canada Board member, TCF Youth Bursary Program Selection Committee member, TCF Canada staff or TCF Canada officer.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, TCF Canada Youth Bursary Program seeks to award 25 bursaries valued at $3,000.00 each.

Click here for more information and to apply.

Association of Black Law Enforcers (ABLE) Scholarship Program

The Association of Black Law Enforcers (A.B.L.E.) is excited to partner with the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ontario Provincial Police Association to host its 32nd Annual Scholarship and Awards Gala!

A.B.L.E. created its Scholarship Program to commemorate the contributions of Rose Fortune (1774-1864) and Peter C. Butler III (1859- 1943) – two of the earliest known Black police officers in Canada. By awarding scholarships, A.B.L.E. assists Black and other racialized students in achieving their educational and career aspirations. 

A.B.L.E. is committed to ensuring that the justice sector is reflective of all Canadians. A.B.L.E is also committed to ensuring student have access to the education required to make this a reality. 

In this spirit,  A.B.L.E. awards scholarship valued at $3500 each, to support recipients’ post-secondary education in the following areas of study: 

  • Law enforcement
  • Police foundations 
  • Community and Justice services
  • Corrections
  • Social Work
  • Criminology / criminal justice 
  • Law 

Further details and application can be found here. Deadline: Friday August 9, 2024 at 11:59pm

StudyCorgi $1,500 Annual Video Contest Scholarship

The StudyCorgi team is excited to announce that they've launched their annual video contest scholarship, which could be a fantastic chance for students to showcase their creativity and earn additional funding for their education.

Here are some important details:

StudyCorgi $1,500 Annual Video Contest Scholarship

Eligibility: Current high school, college, or university students from ANY country

Awards: The winner will receive a $1,000 scholarship. The runner-up prize is $500

Deadline: September 17, 2024

Link: https://studycorgi.com/students-scholarship/

Allied Van Lines Scholarship 2024

At Allied Van Lines, we are committed to improving the future of up and coming logistics and business professionals across Canada and North America.

We believe that education is significant and we place that belief into our core operating philosophy, everything from our standard practices, to our way of living. We are proud to be offering qualifying Canadian students and chance to apply for our new scholarship, which is intended for students across the areas of business, logistics, and similar fields. Four qualified candidates will be selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each. Visit this link to find out how you can enter!

Four qualified candidates will be selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each. Through the scholarship competition, Allied Van Lines will select four winners to receive an award of $1,000 each after the scholarship deadline on December 15th, 2024

GlobalScholarships.com $3,000 Scholarship for International Students

Scholarship Details

  • Name: GlobalScholarships.com $3,000 Scholarship
  • Eligibility: International students planning to pursue their studies outside their home country.
  • Scholarship Value: $3,000
  • Application Deadline: May 31st, 2025

Eligibility Criteria

You must meet ALL of the following to be eligible:

  • You must be an international student, that is, you cannot be a citizen or a permanent resident of a country that you will be studying in Fall 2025.
  • You must be a current or a prospective student who will be enrolled in a postsecondary degree program (Diploma, Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D., as well as professional programs like law and medicine) in Fall 2025.

For full details, click here.

Hellamaid Scholarship

As passionate advocates for education and community well-being, Hellamaid launched this scholarship to inspire and empower students to achieve their academic goals. We recognize the importance of both clean spaces and strong communities in shaping the leaders of tomorrow, and we are committed to helping students and their communities thrive.

The Hellamaid Scholarship, a $500 award, is given every semester designed to support Canadian students in their academic pursuits. 

Please click here for full details.

The deadline to apply is Nov 29th, 2024, 5pm.

rare Charitable Research Reserve

We support diverse, inclusive and equitable practices and approaches to environmental issues as we work toward meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples (self-identified and status First Nations, Métis & Inuit) of Turtle Island. We encourage applications from Indigenous students utilizing Indigenous and/or Western knowledge systems and methodologies.

We recognize that historical and present-day barriers exist that disadvantage Black, Indigenous, and other People of Colour (BIPOC) pursuing higher education. To support BIPOC graduate students making environmental contributions through science, art, and diverse inquiry, the Ages Foundation Fellowship includes a designated BIPOC award.

$15,000 will be distributed annually through this application process and awards will be given out in the following amounts: one (1) $5,000 award, one (1) $5,000 BIPOC award, and up to five (5) $1,000+ bursaries depending on the total number of outstanding applications received.  

Click here for more information and application process.

Chaney-Ensign Bursary

The Chaney-Ensign Bursary Fund provides educational bursaries to students who demonstrate financial need and who have graduated from a publicly funded Hamilton high school.

Students must be in attendance at an approved college or university in Canada or, for specialized programs, in the United States. Students must also have applied for OSAP funding to receive this bursary.

Apply Here.