Concurrent BA/BSc/BEd/BPHE/BFA/BBA

Bachelor of Education

Apply to the Schulich School of Education, and earn your Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree at Nipissing University in one of the pre-eminent education programs in Ontario. Renowned for graduating exceedingly well-prepared and professionally-minded teachers, the Schulich School of Education will prepare you for teaching in traditional and non-traditional environments, and will provide you with transferable communication and collaborative skills that are essential to any career.

Concurrent Education

Description Students graduate with a Dual Degree – an honours undergraduate degree in their discipline of choice (except Nursing and Social Work) and a Bachelor of Education degree.
Duration 6 years
Practicum 19 weeks of practicum + 60 hours of Community Leadership Experience (CLE)
English Public school boards, English Separate school boards, and First Nations or federally administered schools
Division Choose one of the following:
  • P/J – (J/K to Grade 6)
  • P/J – French as a Second Language
  • J/I – (Grades 4 to 10)
  • I/S – (Grades 7 to 12)
How to Apply Apply through

Essential Skills in Preservice Teaching, Course Work, and on Practicum

This document was prepared by the Ontario Association of Deans of Education to be used by member organizations as appropriate within their programs to provide information for students in education programs, instructors and professional experiences coordinators, guidance counsellors, educational institutions, education program admission officers, accessibility service providers, teachers and the public about the essential skills and performance expectations for teacher candidates in initial teacher education programs. Click here to open/download the document as a PDF.