Nipissing University Residents’ Council (NURC)

Get Involved

In addition to having a lot of fun and meeting new friends, getting involved in the Residents' Council will help you develop strong leadership and organizational skills.

Residents' Council is responsible for planning residence activities (such as the popular Movie Under The Stars event, coffee houses, and skating parties) as well as acting as a representative body which supports the needs of you - the residents. The Nipissing University Residents’ Council (NURC) focuses on building a strong sense of community while encouraging residents to gain new skills, learn about their diverse world, strive for overall wellness, and become an active member of their community.

We encourage all students to become an integral part of the working gears behind programming and representation in residence - the Residents' Council! If you have any questions about Residents' Council, membership opportunities, or the duties of the NURC Executive listed on this website a current member of the NURC Executive would be happy to help you.

Join Residents' Council as an Executive Member!

Interested in joining Residents' Council's Executive Team for the 2024-2025 academic year? Residents' Council is a great opportunity to hone your leadership skills and get involved in your community through advocacy, running fun events with your peers, and developing professional skills, and building friendships that will last a lifetime!

Apply Today!

Membership Opportunities for Student Leaders

The NURC General Council is the perfect opportunity for students interested in leadership positions within their community. The NURC General Council is composed of various committees and positions which strive to involve members of the residence community in a variety of social and educational opportunities.

Join in on the Social Committee in your Residence Complex and help plan memorable events for your peers throughout the year. All residents are welcome to participate at any time throughout the year. Committee Chair positions will be available in October and will be elected by a vote of those in the committee. 

Another leadership opportunity available for interested students are Floor/Section and Complex Representative positions. The Floor/Section and Complex Representatives will be elected by the floor and section communities in September. These Representatives are active members of the residence community who promote programming initiatives and (as outlined in their title) represent students within their specific residence community. These students also work with the Residents' Council Executive Team and Residence Dons to run collaborative programs.

Executive Positions

Below is a brief summary of the duties of the NURC Executive positions:

Residents’ Council President

One Residents' Council President is selected annually and serves as a leader and support for the Council Team. The President works closely with the Residence Life Professionals to coordinate and assist in the facilitation of programming and administrative duties of the NURC and collaborates with the Executive Team on residence-wide programming initiatives. 

Vice-President, Finance & Administration

One VP Finance & Administration is selected annually and is responsible for maintaining the NURC budget. Working with the Executive Team, the VP Finance supports collaborative residence-wide programming initiatives and works closely with the Residence Life Professionals to provide updates and information on the NURC budget.

Complex Executive

Each residence complex has an Executive that is selected annually to represent the students living in their assigned complex. There is one Chancellors House Executive, one Founders House Executive, one Governors House Executive, and one Townhouse Residence Complex (TRC) Executive. Their duties include facilitating a Social Committee for their assigned residence complex to plan and host memorable events and representing the students in their assigned complex.