Sexual Violence Prevention and Education works to build awareness about sexual violence and gender-based violence on campus and make accessible the supports and services for those who are affected. The Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator provides support to survivors, students, staff and faculty.
For more information on Sexual Violence Prevention and Education, explore the links below:
Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Events
- About
- Getting Support
- Giving Help & Support
- Workshops & Events
- Topics & Resources
- Training & Education
Our services are available to all members of the Lakers community, including undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students, staff, and faculty. Sexual Violence Prevention and Education works to build awareness about sexual violence and gender-based violence on campus and make accessible the supports and services for those affected.
If you are in immediate danger or a life-threatening situation, CALL 911

If you have experienced sexual violence or are supporting someone who has experienced sexual violence, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator is available to listen, support, and help you navigate the next steps in non-emergency situations.
If you are in immediate danger, contact 911.
Please note that all external links and resources posted on the Consent Belongs Here website are not meant to replace face-to-face consultation with or diagnoses by qualified professionals, nor are they meant to be "online counselling." The listing of external sites does not imply that Nipissing University or its staff endorse all of the information located there. We cannot guarantee that all information on each site is accurate or complete. The resources and guidelines offered on this site are suggestions only, and do not substitute for consultation with a qualified Mental Health or Medical Professional.
By using these external links, you must agree to not hold the websites themselves, their staff or partners, or Nipissing University staff liable, or make any claims of damages of any kind, including claims of damages based on action taken by you related to the information contained on the respective websites.
Your use of these websites constitutes your agreement to the above terms.
Sexual violence is a traumatic experience. While every individual will react differently, the experience can have significant lasting effects and interrupt many aspects of a survivor's life. A supportive and non-judgemental initial response to disclosure can significantly impact the survivor's ability to seek further support.
If there is an imminent risk of harm:
In an emergency on campus (i.e., imminent threat of sexual violence and of harm to a person or sexual violence actually occurring) a call can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year in the following ways:
- Call 911
- Call Campus Security 705-498-7244
- Emergency phones, located inside the Education Centre near the elevators of the H and A wings. These phones are connected directly to Campus Security. All payphones have free access to 911.
- Emergency phones, located outside the Education Centre and Residence buildings. The blue light can identify these phones and link a caller to an emergency answering service attendant. Simultaneously a call from these phones notifies Campus Security of the call and caller's location.
- In-person: Campus Security office, Education Centre B203
- When a person discloses an incident of sexual violence to Campus Security, Campus Security will inform Student Development and Services that an incident has occurred.
Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Coordinator
The Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator is available to all members of the University community who may seek support or information related to sexual or gender-based violence. Additionally, the Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Coordinator is available to debrief with and provide support to those who have received a disclosure.
Office: Student Development & Services - B210
Phone: 705-474-3450 ext. 4075
Consent Belongs Here is Nipissing University’s campaign to end sexual violence through education, prevention and outreach. The hashtag #nuconsentculture is included as a symbol to start a campus-wide conversation around preventing sexual violence. Consent Belongs: Here, events and initiatives on campus will be organized focused on sexual violence prevention and education throughout the year.
Indicate your interest in participating in upcoming training. All sessions require a minimum of 5 participants.
2024-2025 Training Interest Form
Are you looking for something a little different or personalized training? Email to let us know what you’d like.
Below are links to websites and resources. Please note, we do not own/maintain the information on these external links. These resources are available in print format from the Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Coordinator in office B210.
Looking for more information? Contact the Sexual Violence Prevention & Education Coordinator:
Office: Student Development & Services - B210
Phone: 705-474-3450 ext. 4075

In partnership with the Nipissing University Student Union (NUSU), Nipissing University has joined with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows campus community members to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.
REES is available
About your Reporting Options with REES:
Our services are available to all members of the Lakers community, including undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students, staff, and faculty.
Office: Student Development & Services, B210
General Inquiries:
Phone: 705-474-3450 ext 4075
Training and Workshop Inquires:
Phone: 705-474-3450 ext 4075