Nipissing University Indigenous Council on Education (NUICE)

Early in the 1980’s, an academic leader at Nipissing University reached out to the local Indigenous community and established an informal round table on education. The purpose of the group was to help guide the University’s direction in Indigenous post-secondary education. Building on the roundtable, in the early 1990’s a formal Aboriginal Council on Education (ACE) was established. Today the Nipissing University Indigenous Council on Education seeks to continue the partnerships developed with local Indigenous communities and to see those develop further and help to achieve Indigenous communities’ goals in education as well as those of Nipissing University. In 2015, the final report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) and 94 Calls to Action were released. The year 2016 marked the 20th year anniversary of the release of the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP). These pivotal reports highlighted a renewed discussion and focus on equity for Indigenous peoples but also the role institutions play in reconciliation.

The Nipissing University Indigenous Council on Education (NUICE) is an advisory body to and resource for the Office of Indigenous Initiatives and Nipissing University.


The NUICE exists to advance and to support Indigenous student success in all aspects of Nipissing University governance, academic and research programming. As an advisory group, the NUICE ensures the diverse perspectives of regional Indigenous communities, peoples and their knowledge are represented and reflected in Nipissing University governance.


The NUICE is mandated to recommend and advocate for programs that support Indigenous students and to promote engagement with Indigenous communities.

Contacting NUICE

For information, contact:

Office of Indigenous Initiatives, Secretary
Tel: 705-474-3450, ext. 4899
Fax: 705-​472-8601​​


Nipissing University Indigenous Council on Education (NUICE)

Voting Members

  • Atikameksheng Anishnawbek - Kim Nootchtai (Jessica Seltzer)
  • Cree School Board – Darryl Diamond
  • Dokis First Nation - Sandra Dokis-Belanger
  • Nipissing First Nation - Daniel Stevens
  • North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre - Maurice Switzer
  • Mushkegowuk Education - Debbie Ross
  • Temagami First Nation - TBD
  • Timiskaming First Nation - Brian King
  • True Self Employment and Training - Jeff Stewart
  • Métis Nation of Ontario Mattawa Métis Council - Melody Chislett-Morris
  • Métis Nation of Ontario North Bay Métis Council - Jeannie Vaillancourt
  • Nipissing University (student) – Vanessa Joseph
  • Nipissing University (student) – Bee Dokis-Belanger

Non-Voting Members

  • Ex- Officio - President & Vice-Chancellor, Nipissing University - Dr. Kevin Wamsley
  • Ex- Officio - Provost & Vice-President Academic & Administration - Ann-Barbara Graff
  • Board of Governors Rep. - Fran Couchie, Nipissing First Nation, Chief’s Designate
  • Dr. Cindy Peltier, Chair, Indigenous Education/Special Advisor to the President
  • Romeo Fournier, Director of Indigenous Initiatives
  • TBD, Principal, Indigenous Education Programs

Faculty and Resource Guests

  • Dr. Graydon Raymer, Dean, Faculty of Education and Professional Studies, Nipissing University
  • Dr. Barbi Law, Associate Vice President, Research, Innovation & Grad Studies
  • Dr. Nathan Colborne, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Science, Nipissing University
  • Debra Iafrate, Registrar, Nipissing University
  • Dr. Tyson Stewart, Program Co-Chair, Indigenous Studies, Nipissing University
  • Dr. Nancy Stevens, Program Co-Chair, Indigenous Studies, Nipissing University
  • Harikesh Panchal, NUSU President

For more information regarding NUICE, please see the 

or review Pathways: Our Commitments to Water, Land, and People for the next seven generations at Nipissing University.