What is I Heart NU?
I Heart NU is all about students! The program is committed to enhancing the student experience and continuing to build upon Nipissing University's strong reputation as a leader in student satisfaction.
I Heart NU creates bridges to success for students and creates opportunities for students to connect with and develop meaningful relationships with Nipissing University outside of the classroom in a variety of different ways.
At Nipissing University, we pride ourselves on creating a positive student experience and look for ways to give back to our students to show our appreciation.
I Heart NU engages with students through various events and initiatives throughout the year, whether they are through contests or campaigns on social media, welcome back events after time away from campus, or reaching out with positivity during exams. The program interacts with students directly to show student appreciation, gather feedback directly from students and create a space to give student voice in the community with an emphasis on creating stronger connections between students and Nipissing University.
If you want to know more about what I Heart NU is doing, say Hello to NU Success in Student Development & Services at nusuccess@nipissingu.ca.