Dr. Nancy Maynes

Areas of Specialization:
Dr. Maynes has focused on the study of curriculum concepts especially related to the development and implementation phases of instruction, direct instruction and indirect instruction/inquiry, strategies for teaching complex thinking skills, and teacher hiring practices and approaches.
Research Interests:
Dr. Maynes is interested in research related to teacher education and professional growth. This includes aspects of teacher education that influence strategy efficacy, service learning, professional reflection, and the internalization of key curriculum concepts, as well as the characteristics of teachers sought by potential employers through the teacher hiring practices that are either implicit or explicit in educational contexts.
Current & Future Research:
Research relates to the broad area of teacher education and professional growth. Current research is being conducted to investigate: the use of direct instruct instruction in classrooms; the value of service learning and other alternative practica to teachers’ perceptions of differentiation; the use and value of curriculum conceptual models to teachers’ understanding of lesson planning, delivery, and assessment; and the shift in professional perspective from focusing on one’s teaching toward focusing on one’s students’ learning. As well, other research focuses on teacher hiring practices and how potential employers decide on which teachers to hire and how new teachers prepare themselves for the variety of hiring practices that are used in various educational jurisdictions.
Books Authored:
Maynes, N, & Hatt, B. E. (2016). Assessment, evaluation, and communication of student learning: A professional skills development approach. Toronto: Pearson Learning Solutions.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (2014). When the Interview is not enough: A multi-stage high impact process for hiring new teachers. Köhn, DE: Lambert Academic Press.
Maynes, N. (2014). Focus on learning: The art and science of planning, delivering, and assessing lessons 2e. Toronto: Pearson Education.
Maynes, N. & Sharpe, G. (2013). Ten things you need to know before you interview for a teaching job. Indiana: Xlibris Publishers.
Maynes, N. (2011). Kindergarten in Canada: A play-based approach for educators. Toronto: Pearson Education.
Maynes, N. (2011). Focus on learning: The art and science of planning, delivering, and assessing lessons. Toronto: Pearson Education.
Maynes, N. & Straub, J. (2010). Social studies: Innovative approaches for teachers. Toronto: Pearson Education.
Drake, S., Bebbington, J., Laksman, S., Mackie, P., Maynes, N., & Wayne, L. (1992). Developing an integrated curriculum using the story model. Toronto, ON: OISE Press.
Maynes, N. et al (1993). (for the Lincoln County Board of Education). Growing collaboratively. Scarborough: Prentice Hall Canada Inc.
Books Edited:
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (Eds.) (2017). The paths we chose: Stories from accredited teachers about their professional and personal paths after accreditation. Köhn, DE: Lambert Academic Press.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (Eds.) (2015). The complexity of hiring, supporting, and retaining new teachers across Canada. Canadian Association of Teacher Educators / Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Articles in Refereed Journals & Refereed Book Chapters:
Refereed Chapters:
In Press
Maynes, N., Hatt, B. E., & Mottonen, A-L. (accepted June 2018). Employment seeking behaviours among newly certified Ontario teachers. Canadian Journal of Career Development
Maynes, N., Hatt, B. E., Mottonen, A-L., Alison, J. (2018). Teacher Tourism: Framing Internationalization of Teaching in a Legislated Limiting Context. In Globalization and Diversity in Education: What Does It Mean for Canadian Teacher Education? Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Maynes, N. & Mottonen, A-L. (2017). Self-report perceptions of knowledge and confidence to engage in the roles of teachers through two programme routes: Consecutive and concurrent. In D.C. Young, W.L. Kraglund-Gauthier, & T.G. Ryan (Eds.). Readiness for the Field: Perspectives from Within the Triangle of Teacher Education.
BondClegg, M. & Maynes, N. (2018). The potential influence of YouTube as a means of disseminating the findings of research to millennial-aged teachers. Journal of Studies in Education, 8(2), 94-114.
Hatt, B. E., Maynes, N. & Kmiec, J. (2015). What’s wrong with getting teacher hiring right?. In N. Maynes & B. E. Hatt (Eds.) The Complexity of Hiring, Supporting, and Retaining New Teachers in Canada. (pp. 179-194). Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Maynes, N., & Hatt, B.E., (2014). An Online Learning Model for a Graduate Degree Environment. In T. Ryan (Ed.), The Online Teaching Online: Stories from Within (111-130). Campaigne. IL:Common Ground Publishing.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (2013). Beginning at the Beginning: Early Years Kindergarten Education across Canada and in Canadian Faculties of Education. In L. Thomas (Ed.), What is Canadian about Teacher Education in Canada? Multiple Perspectives on Canadian Teacher Education in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 323-358). Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Hatt, B. E. & Maynes, N. (2013). Thin ICE for pre-service teachers: An examination of imagination creativity education in Canadian teacher education In L. Thomas (Ed.), What is Canadian about Teacher Education in Canada? Multiple Perspectives on Canadian Teacher Education in the Twenty-First Century (pp. 420- 442). Canadian Association for Teacher Education/Association canadienne pour la formation à l’enseignement.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2012). Do visual frameworks for professional reflection on planning and lesson delivery impact the range of reflections? In F. Doynan (Ed.), Research on Teacher Education and Training. Athens, Greece: University of Athens, ATINER.
Maynes, N., & Hatt, B. E. (2011). Grounding program change in students’ learning: A model for the conceptual shift in thinking that will support valuable program change in response to faculty of education reviews. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.), The question of evidence in research in teacher education in the context of teacher education program review in Canada (2 vols.). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
Refereed Journals:
Bondclegg, M. & Maynes, N. (2017). The potential influence of YouTube as a means of disseminating the findings of research to millennial-aged teachers. Canadian Journal of Education. Brock Education Journal. March 13, 2017.
Tkachenko, A. & Maynes, N. (2017). An exploratory study of the perceptions of secondary school mathematics teachers on the roles of mathematical content knowledge and mathematical pedagogical content knowledge in instruction. in education Journal, submitted March 12, 2017.
Holdsworth, S. & Maynes, N. (2017). But what if I fail? A meta-synthetic study of the conditions supporting teacher innovation. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(4), 665-703.
Maynes, N. & Mottonen, A-L. (2018). Bullying in schools: Are pre-service teachers confident to address it? Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 63(4), 396-411.
Hatt, B. E. & Maynes, N. (2017). Enriching Aboriginal engagement in schools through service-learning: The Biidaaban experience. Journal of Studies In Education, 7(2), 91-115.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (2016). Six strategies for tiering to differentiate for successful knowledge acquisition in an inquiry learning environment. Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, 8(3), 166-178.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2016). Two ways to teach: Direct instruction and indirect instruction/inquiry: Simplifying planning concepts for early career teachers. Journal of Studies in Education, 6(3), 113-123.
Maynes, N. & Cantalini-Williams, M., & Gibert, J. (2016). To play or not to play: That is NOT the question. The International Journal of Holistic Early Learning And Development (IJHELD), 3, 4-20.
Maynes, N. & Kmiec, J. (2016). Resilience, hope, and concrete plans of action for schools and caring communities, The Journal of Educational Thought, 49(1), 71-87.
Maynes, N., Mottonen, A-L., Sharpe, G. (2015). Dealing with students both verbally and physically: A comparison of perceptions of readiness to address classroom management issues. Journal of Marketing and HR, 1(1), 1-9.
Maynes, N., & Hatt, B. E. (2015). Conceptualizing how mature teachers can influence students’ growth in learning, Brock Education Journal, 24(2), 4-19.
Maynes, N., Mottonen, A-L., & Sharpe, G. (2015). A comparative examination of teacher candidates’ professional practicum experiences in two program models, International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 11(1), 36-52.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2015). Teacher hiring: Exploring the dilemmas and the solutions. Journal of Studies in Education, 5(2), 56-74.
Maynes, N., Mottonen, A-L., Sharpe, G. (2015). Confidence to differentiate and knowledge to assess: Do these differ between concurrent and consecutive teacher candidates?. Journal of Studies in Education, 5(1), 74-91.
Maynes, N., Hatt, B.E., & Mottonen, A-L. (2014). From their eyes: A students’ perspective on the benefits and challenges of online courses in a graduate education degree program. European Journal of Business and Social Science (EJBSS), 3(6), 35-45.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2014). When the interview is not enough: A proposal for a new way of selecting the best teachers, European Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(11), 165-178.
Maynes, N., Cantalini-Williams, M., & Tedesco, S. (2014). Alternative service learning placements for teacher candidates. Toronto: Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2014). Tiering: Sites of opportunity for differentiation. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5(3), 23-33.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. (2013/2014). Threading the discussion: A model to examine the quality of posts in an online learning environment. Teaching and Learning Journal, 8(1), 72-88.
Maynes, N., Mottonen, A-L, Sharpe, G. & Curwen, T. (2013). Educational software use: A comparative examination of teacher candidates’ knowledge and confidence in the use of educational software. International Journal of Science, Commerce, and Humanities, 1(8).
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B, (2013). Online learning: Growing into our capacity for flexible learning. Journal of Transformative Entrepreneurship, 1(2), 83-92.
Maynes, N., & Hatt, B. (2013). Hiring and supporting new teachers who focus on students’ learning. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. #144, 1-37.
Maynes, N., Allison, J., & Julien-Schultz, L. (2013). An examination of longevity of impact of an international practicum experience on teachers’ beliefs and practices four years later, International Education Studies, 6(4), 154-163.
Maynes, N., Hatt, B. & Wideman, R. (2013). Service learning as a practicum experience in a pre-service education program, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 43(1), 80-99.
Maynes, N., Curwen, T. & Sharpe, G. (2012). Examining pre-service teachers’ self-reported knowledge and confidence to communicate with parents. in education Journal, 18(2), 2-17.
Maynes, N. and Hatt, B.E., (2012). Characteristics of effective teaching practice as identified by experienced pre-service faculty advisors: Shifting the focus to student learning, Brock Education Journal, 22(1), 93-110.
Maynes, N., & Julien- Schultz, L. (2012). Complex instructional knowledge made accessible for teacher candidates through the alignment of concepts in visual format. Teaching and Learning, 7(1), 21-36.
Maynes, N., Allison, J., & Julien-Schultz, L. (2012). International practica experiences as events that of influence in a teacher candidates’ development. McGill Journal of Education, 47(1), 69-90.
Maynes, N. (2012). Examining a false dichotomy: The proper place of direct instruction and problem-solving approaches in today’s classrooms. International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS), 3(8), 40-46.
Maynes, N., & Julien-Schultz, L. (2011). The impact of visual frameworks on teacher candidates’ professional reflection. LEARNing Landscapes Journal, 5(1), 193-210. Available at http://www.learninglandscapes.ca.
Maynes, N. & Scott, J. (2011). Modeling in the classroom: what approaches are effective to improve students’ writing? in education, 17(1), 14-28.
Maynes, N., Julien-Schultz, L. & Dunn, C. (2010). Modeling and the gradual release of responsibility: What does it look like in the classroom? Brock Education Journal, 19(2), 65-77.
Maynes, N., Julien-Schultz, L. & Dunn, C. (2010). Managing direct and indirect instruction: a visual model to support lesson planning in pre-service programs, The International Journal of Learning, 17(2), 125-139.
Other On-line Publications:
Maynes, N. & Kmiec, J. (2015). Aligning our expectations for pre-conditions to develop resilience as a school outcome. TeachOntario.
Magazine Articles:
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. (2014). Hiring effective teachers: A moral and practical role for today’s principals. Canadian Association of Principals Journal (CAP).
Maynes, N. & O’Melia, P. (1997). Career education in an intermediate classroom for students with general learning disabilities. Curriculum Direction (OASCD), 4(2).
Maynes, N. & Hirst, V. (1996). A Curriculum planning framework for teacher and student use: Moving toward teaching student to design the specifics of their personal curriculum within a provincial framework, 2(3), 32-45.
Maynes, N. (1995). Working with essential learning outcomes: Growth scheming for instruction and assessment. Curriculum Directions (OASCD), 1(2), 15-32.
Maynes, N. (1994). Integrated curriculum: Part of a larger plan. Curriculum Directions (OASCD), 1(1), 4-11.
Maynes, N. et al, (1994) Evaluation in the Transition Years, Lincoln County Board of Education, St. Catharines, ON.
Maynes, N. (1994) Reflective Practice in an Age of Accountability, Curriculum Directions (OASCD), 1(2).
Maynes, N. (1994). Professional development through professional training: From a provincial vision to a professional growth plan, Curriculum Directions (OASCD), 1(1), 20-28.
Maynes, N. (1993). Integrated Curriculum, Curriculum Directions, Ontario Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (OASCD).
Maynes, N., (1988). Decision making in Geography. Monograph Magazine, Ontario Association of Geography Educators (OAGE).
Maynes, N. (1986). Decision making in a History context. Rapport Magazine, Ontario History and Social Science Teachers (OHASSTA).
Technical Reports:
2016 - SSHRC Grant Applications Reviewed (January 2016)
2014 - Summary Report on HEQCO Project: Teaching and Learning CFP 020-4;Maria Cantalini-Williams, Lesley Cooper, Arlene Grierson, Nancy Maynes, Sharon Rich, Mary Lynn Tessaro; Courtney Anne Brewer, Stephen Tedesco, Taunya Wideman-Johnston. Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher Education: The Benefits, Challenges and Implementation Implications of Peer Mentorship, Service Learning and International Practicum Placements, HEQCO.
2014 - External Referee Report to Memorial University Newfoundland; Tenure and Promotion of an Assistant Professor
2012 - Ontario Ministry of Education - Review report on the proposed new Social Studies (Grades 1-8) Curriculum Guideline
2010 - Isreal Science Foundation (ISF) - Invited Research Proposal Reviewer
Curriculum Reports and other Professional Contributions (Education)
Presentations: Professional Meetings/Workshops:
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2014). Kekeenamawkayo 2014 Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba – Presented 6 connected workshops over three days – Topic: Teaching with Purpose
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2011). Resources to Support Understanding of the Resource Document Growing Success. Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Forum on Curriculum, OISE: Toronto.
Maynes, N., Julien-Schultz, L. & Hatt, B. (2011).From Instructional Action to Conceptualizing Teachers' Focus on Students' Learning: A Journey in Progress. Research Luncheon Presentation, Nipissing University (January 12, 2011).
Maynes, N. & Scott, J. (2010).Complex Skills Writing Partnership: The project that led to a useful classroom model for direct instruction. Research Luncheon Presentation, Nipissing University (November 3, 2010).
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2010). Modeling and the Gradual Release of Responsibility: What does it look like in a classroom? Ontario Ministry of Education Curriculum Forum on Curriculum Integration, OISE: Toronto.
Maynes, N., & Straub, J. (2009). Imaginative approaches for use in your social studies classroom. Imagination and Creativity Conference, Nipissing University, North Bay.
Maynes, N, Dunn, C. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2009). The role of modeling in direct and indirect instruction in a creative classroom environment. Imagination and Creativity Conference, Nipissing University, North Bay.
Maynes, N., Julien-Schultz, L. & Dunn, C. (2009).Modeling and the gradual release of responsibility. St. Hubert’s School Staff, North Bay, Professional Development Day workshop.
Maynes, N. (1994). Presenter of several workshops and keynotes speeches both in and outside of Lincoln County District School Board (Beamsville District Secondary School, Laura Secord Secondary School, O.S.S.T.F. Evaluation Conference, Brant County Teachers (two in elementary panel; one in secondary panel), Hamilton Elementary Teachers)
Maynes, N. (1992). Presenter, Grimsby Secondary School, Professional Development Day, Preparing Students to Participate in the Evaluation Process.
Maynes, N. (1992). Keynote presenter to 200 Metropolitan Toronto Teachers, Evaluation and Reporting in the Transition Years.
Maynes, N. (1992). Presenter to Oxford County Train the Trainers Workshop, Three Tried ‘n True Evaluation Workshops
Maynes, N. (1987-1994). Instructor for Parts 1 & 2 of the Principals’ Qualification Courses, Nipissing University.
Maynes, N., (1986-1994). Led a variety of professional development workshops in various jurisdictions; Niagara South (1986); Hamilton (1987); Etobicoke (1987); Kingston (1990); Sault Ste. Marie (1992); Windsor (1992); North Bay (1993); Haldimand (1993); Hamilton (1994); Brantford (1994); Toronto (1994); Waterloo (1994).
Conference Papers:
Refereed Conference Presentations/ Peer-reviewed:
Maynes, N. & Mottonen, A-M. (2015). Outcomes of Different Program Routes. CSSE/CATE, Ottawa, Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2014). Online graduate learning: The methods, the threads, and a new understanding of how professors lead learning. 19th Annual Values and Leadership Conference 2014, Huntsville, Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2014). International Council on Education for Teaching - ICET World Assembly.Teacher Hiring: Exploring the Dilemmas and the Solutions, Oshawa, Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Mottonen, A-L. (2014). International Council on Education for Teaching- ICET World Assembly. Teacher Candidate Perspectives on the Practicum Experience: Comparison of Consecutive vs. Concurrent Perspectives of their Knowledge and Confidence, Oshawa, Ontario.
Grierson, A., Cantalini-Williams, M., Tessaro, M.L., & Maynes, N., (2014). Teacher candidates’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of three innovative practicum models: Peer mentorship, service learning, and international placements, CSSE/CATE 2014 St. Catharines, Brock University
Mottonen, A-L., & Maynes, N. (2014).Educational Software Use: A Comparative Examination of Teacher Candidates’ Knowledge and Confidence in the Use of Educational Software, St. Catharines, Brock University
Maynes, N. & Sharpe, G. (2014). When the Interview is the Only Hiring Filter: 10 Things New Teachers Need to Know, St. Catharines, Brock University
Arlene Grierson, Maria Cantalini-Williams, Mary Lynn Tessaro, Nancy Maynes(2012).Innovative Practicum Models in Teacher Education, ISSOLT Conference.
Grierson, A., Cantalini-Williams, M., Tessaro, M.L., & Maynes, N., (2013). Teacher candidates’ perceptions of the benefits and challenges of three innovative practicum models: Peer mentorship, service learning, and international placements. Symposium on Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Banff, Alberta.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2013). Hiring and Supporting Teachers who Focus on Students’ Learning. CSSE, Victoria, British Columbia.
Maynes, N. (2012). Ten Ways to Nail a Teaching Interview. ICE for Life Conference. Nipissing University.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B. E. (2012). Hiring the best: How do schools ensure that they hire teachers who understand their role in students’ learning?, CSSE, Waterloo, Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2012). The perceived value of visual frameworks to support professional reflection, CSSE, Waterloo, Ontario.
Maynes, N., Curwen, T. & Sharp, G. (2012). Working with parents: Do teacher candidates feel that they have the knowledge and confidence to do this successfully? CSSE, Waterloo, Ontario.
Maynes, N. & Hatt, B.E. (2011). The Continuum of Teacher Preparation: Focused Growth or Diffused Efforts? Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Conference, New Orleans.
Maynes, N. &. Hatt, B. (2011). Alternative Practicum Experiences in Teacher Education through Service Learning, CSSE, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz ,L. (2011). Visual Frameworks for Professional Reflection on Planning and Lesson Delivery: Reflection with Impact?, ATINER International Conference, Athens, Greece.
Maynes, N. (2011).Conceptualizing the shift in teachers’ focus from focusing on teaching to focusing on students’ learning. 3rd. Paris International Conference on Education, Paris, France.
Maynes, N. (2010). Shifting from focusing on teaching to focusing on students’ learning. Canadian Society for the Study of Education.
Maynes, N. (2010). Conceptualizing the shift in teachers’ focus from focusing on teaching to focusing on students’ learning. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE), Montreal, Canada.
Maynes, N. & Straub, J. (2010). Creative ideas for teaching primary and junior social studies. Imagination and Creativity Conference, Nipissing University.
Maynes, N. & Scott, J. (2009). Cavitational modeling: A practical framework to maximize the role of direct instruction. Paper presented at the EDGE Conference, St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2009). The Life Changing Experience of an International Practicum Placement. Holistic Learning Conference, Geneva Park, Orillia, Canada.
Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (2009). Modeling and the Gradual Release of Responsibility. Paper presented at Landscapes of Learning Conference, Wilfred Laurier University, Ontario, Canada.
Maynes, N. & Scott, J. (2009). Cavitational modeling: A practical framework to maximize the role of direct instruction. Paper presented at the Canadian Conference for Studies in Education (CSSE), Ottawa, Canada.
Maynes, N. (2008). Developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, constructivist theories and brain research: What is a teacher to think about the teaching of thinking? International Imaginative Education Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Keynotes, Invited Papers, & Public Lectures:
2013 Maynes, N. & Julien-Schultz, L. (October 2013). Keynote Speakers for 3days of Atlantic Canada ASCD Workshops in St. John’s Newfoundland and Corner Brooke, Newfoundland (over 400 teacher participants) – Topic: Differentiated Assessment and Tiered Lesson Planning