Release of Student Information and Location


Under normal circumstances, in order to carry out important functions for the University, selected employees are given access (either on a regular or occasional basis) to sensitive and confidential University information and systems.

"University information" is meant to encompass both information belonging to the University and private information stored on-campus and belonging to individuals associated with the University.

Such University information systems are produced in administrative, pedagogical or research activities, and may be stored electronically or on any non-electric medium (i.e. paper).

Information and systems, to which privileged access may be granted, include among other things:

  1. administration documents, files, data, and systems;
  2. examination papers and grade records used by faculty members;
  3. intellectual property such as research results, grant applications and patent and license applications; and
  4. all computer systems located on-campus, regardless of whether they are University owned and whether they are centrally administered, and certain of the information contained therein.

Access to these and other types of information and systems is sometimes vital to the University's functioning. Employees are trusted to maintain the security and confidentiality of the information and systems to the best of their ability and within the context of their defined responsibilities.

Employees with authorized access privileges must use them only for the purposes for which they were granted. Employees will be expected not to convey confidential and/or private information to others, except those who have the authorization and need to know.

The University will view with the gravest concern any failure, on the part of an employee or staff working for joint Canadore/Nipissing facilities, to maintain the security and confidentiality of University information to which the employee has access.

Release of Student Information/Location

Generally, student information is restricted and is available only to the student concerned, to those clearly identified by the student and to appropriate academic and administrative staff of the University. Aside from name, activity status, graduation status and degrees/diplomas/certificates awarded for Senate recognized programs of study, no student information is normally released to any person or agency outside the University. All information concerning students must be referred to the Office of the Registrar. Enquiries from law enforcement and/or lawfully constituted security agencies, civilian or military, are normally handled for the University by management members of this Department.

On occasion, an emergency situation of a personal nature may require contacting a student quickly. Due to the size of the campus, and the student population, and the fact that no wide public address system exists, members of the Security Department may be asked to become involved. University personnel, once satisfied, will only consider contacting the student when the request is deemed urgent or life threatening. Members of the Security Department may well become involved in such a situation when either the Registrar's office is closed or by a direct contact.

In cases of contact during a working day, a phone caller is to be referred to the Registrar's Office. Should the enquiry be made in person, the enquirer should be asked to wait while the Security Office contacts the Registrar's Office who will attempt to determining the student's whereabouts and will then advise the Security Office which will then dispatch an officer to contact the student. During this sequence of events, the enquirer must remain at the Security Office until the student in question has confirmed a willingness for a face-to-face meeting. At times when the University offices are closed, Security personnel must never go beyond attempting to trace and contact the student to determine whether the student wishes to meet or speak with the enquirer. The student's location and/or phone numbers will not be discussed with the enquirer. Regardless of the information supplied or offered, no further efforts should be made to arrange a face-to-face meeting or to put both parties into direct contact with one another without the express authority of the student concerned.

Members of Security must bear in mind that students are persons in their own right and are entitled to the protection afforded by the various privacy legislation enacted.

Release of Information by Security

On occasions, there may be requests for staff information after normal working hours such as home addressed or telephone numbers. In such cases, the person whose details are being requested can be called by the security officer and advised that a person named XXXX at telephone xxxx is attempting to call him/her. If this person recognizes the name and number, he/she can phone the enquirer directly.

When enquiries are made of security, they should do everything possible to assist. However, information should not be given out until reasonable precautions have been taken to protect personal and private information. Home addresses and phone numbers can well fall with the area of privacy.

Media Communication

Official releases of information to the news media (campus or otherwise) will only be made by the President or designate.

University personnel are restricted from releasing confidential information or policy to the media or outside agencies. All requests for such information are to be referred to the President or his/her designated representative.

Board of Governors #94-02-09 Resolution