Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement (AP) courses are encouraged to submit their examination results.
  • Official AP score reports must be sent directly to Nipissing University from the College Board. Nipissing's DI code is 4149.
  • Transfer credit will be granted for most AP courses completed with a grade of 4 or higher, to a maximum of 18 credits (0.6 year).
  • Transfer credit will not be assessed until official scores are received and you have accepted your offer of admission.


Transfer Credit

The following chart shows a list of the Nipissing courses equivalent to AP courses. Concerned that your AP course isn’t listed? This chart is a work in progress.  Even if your course is not listed it will still be assessed for possible transfer credit.

Nipissing University courses are numbered as follows:

  • Four letters to indicate the discipline;
  • Four numbers to designate the course;
  • The first digit indicates the year level at which the course is offered;
  • Normally the last digit indicates whether the course is a six-credit or a three-credit course, and whether the course may count towards a program;
    • Last digit 5 – 6 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 0 – 6 credit course
    • Last digit 6 or 7 – 3 credit course (count towards program)
    • Last digit 1 or 2 – 3 credit course
    • Last digit 8 or 9 – 1.5 credit course
  • Courses where 9 is the first digit indicates a non-equivalent transfer credit. The second digit indicates the year level, and the fourth digit continues to represent the credit value.

Example 1: PYSC 1106 – 6 credit first year Psychology course that can count towards program

Example 2: HUMA 9101 – 3 credit first year Humanities course (non-equivalent)

AP Course

Nipissing Equivalent

Credit Value


BIOL 1006 + BIOL 1007

3 credit each (6 credits total)

English Literature and Composition

ENGL 1106

3 credits

European History

HIST 1106

3 credits

French Language and Culture

FREN 9101

3 credits


PSYC 9106

3 credits