President DeGagné on Ten with Ken

Nipissing University president and vice-chancellor, Dr. Mike DeGagné, is featured in this week’s edition of Ten with Ken, discussing innovations in education.

You can watch the video, recorded at the 2017 Ontario Universities Fair, here.

Dr. DeGagné answers three main questions during the interview:What innovations at Nipissing make you justifiably proud, or could serve as examples for other institutions?

What major innovations do you anticipate becoming mainstream in higher education over the next 5-10 years?What do you believe that university leaders can do to nurture a culture of innovation on campus?

He discusses NU’s long-running innovations such as the Aboriginal Summer Programs and concurrent education options, as well as the more recent Scholar Practitioner Program and also touches on the multitude of experiential learning opportunities that exist here, especially in the professionally-focused academic programs. Dr. DeGagné then talks about the importance of partnerships and the critical need for all Canadians to understand Indigenous issues. Looking ahead, he talks about the need for universities to balance nimbleness with tradition, and trends and new programs with important and longstanding program offerings.

Ten with Ken isKen Steele‘s video podcast: a dynamic visual exploration of the issues that matter to forward-thinking higher education leaders, from new technologies, student trends, politics and controversies to recruitment marketing and institutional brand strategy.

My Nipissing