English dept offers student symposium

Nipissing’s English Studies department is hosting a student symposium in which fourth-year students will present condensed versions of the papers they wrote for their honours seminars.
The symposium takes place on Wednesday, March 7, at 11:30 a.m. in room A228.

Students, and the title of their paper, include:Abbi Roose, Representations of Masculinity in Victorian Children’s Literature;
Kylie-Anne Grube, Forewarnings: the Paradox of Progress in The Coming Race;
Annabelle Harvey, The Natural Self: Nature as Healing in Cheryl Strayed’s Wild and Howard Axelrod’s Point of Vanishing; and
Jylelle Carpenter-Boesch, Spatialization and Defining the Self: Individual identity-Seeking as a Colonial, Sovereignty-Claiming Function.

“This is a great opportunity for our fourth-year students to hone their presentation skills and share some of the work they've accomplished this year,” said Dr. Cameron McFarlane, assistant professor and chair of the English Studies department.  “ It’s also an excellent chance for first and second-year students to discover the type of work that is done by our students in upper years. It is always rewarding to hear our students present and discuss their academic work.  The level of expertise and passion for what they are studying is inspiring.”

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