Meet student leader Jenna Shermet

Nipissing students consistently impress as leaders, in the classroom, on campus and in the community. Recently the university celebrated 25 student leaders at the annual Dave Marshall Leadership Awards.  Over the coming months, NU News will introduce each student leader to the wider community with a short article discussing their accomplishments and activities. Today, we are pleased profile Bachelor of Education student Jenna Shermet.

Shermet approaches academics collaboratively and insightfully. She goes above and beyond in all of her assignments and is always willing to help her peers. Shermet’s love for the teaching profession is evident in her curiosity for learning and in-depth research on how children learn.

Through assignments and group projects, Shermet leads by example. Two of her outstanding projects include an original, engaging, and well-researched learning center based on Aboriginal culture which contained activities that were carefully chosen and culturally sensitive; and a richly described play-based learning center for young children. Shermet’s ability to collaborate brings out the best in her classmates.

Shermet is a principled young lady, who is always generous with her knowledge and gifts. She is ethical and extremely hard working. She will be a fine teacher and a valuable role model for future students, as she has been already with her peers here a Nipissing University.

The university community is proud to recognize Jenna Shermet with a Dave Marshall Leadership Award in the Academic Category.

Dave Marshall Leadership AwardMy Nipissing