Discover the future at NU2042 part III

Photo of NU 25 speaker series poster

Gas up the time machine again and set the controls for 25 years in the future, the third installment of NU2042, Nipissing’s future-predicting faculty speaker series is happening on October 18, at 7 p.m. at the Grande Event Centre. 
Five faculty presenters will look 25 years into the future through the lens of their research.  Each will speak for just five minutes each, making for a highly accessible and fast-paced evening that’s sure to inspire some thoughtful discussion.  A question and answer session follows the presentations. 

This is the third NU2042 event, and the first two have been highly successful.  We’ve learned about the future of literacy, the potential for engineered eyes and brains, artificial intelligence, how we can combat human trafficking, and what religion might look like in a quarter century. 

What will the world look like in 2042? What amazing new inventions will have transformed our collective reality? Who will be the global super powers? Will we be able to breathe the air? Will earth be a garden paradise or a dystopian wasteland?

Faculty speaking on October 18, include:
Dr. Steven Arnocky, Department of Psychology
Dr. Dianne Davis, School of Business
Dr. Carolyn Deloyde, Department of Geography
Dr. Karey McCullough, School of Nursing
Dr. Graydon Raymer, Physical and Health Education

Future NU2042 events will be held on November 9, and December 7.

NU2042 is part of Nipissing University’s 25th anniversary celebrations.

Predicting the future is always difficult, but by gauging the impact of the first two NU2042 events, you are going to have a great time.

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