Mental health programs help faculty and staff make a difference

As students return to campus after the holiday break and a stressful first-term, Nipissing’s Office of Student and Services is pleased to offer opportunities for faculty and staff to get involved effectively and assist with mental health.

The office is introducing a new online training opportunity, More Feet on the Ground, as well as the existing program, NUListens.

More Feet on the Ground is a free online resource to help people recognize, respond and refer students experiencing mental health issues at Nipissing University. You can work through this material in the comfort of your office, at your own pace. Most individuals find that it takes between 1-2 hours depending on your reading speed and familiarity with the material. You will also have the opportunity to take the quiz and receive a certificate of completion.For more information, and to engage in the material, check out the website.

NUListens lets students know that Nipissing cares about their wellbeing, invites students to seek out supportive helpers, and provides opportunities for campus wide dialogue about mental health and wellness issues. 

Students are able to identify faculty and staff who are participating in the NUListens program by a NUListens sign in their workspace. These individuals are willing to listen to student concerns, are knowledgeable about resources available, and can help students connect to professional assistance.

For more information check out the NUListens website, right here.

To participate in NUListens, individuals are required to complete the More Feet on the Ground training. Once completed, participants are provided with information on how to make appropriate referrals, a desk sign, and resources for services available to students.

NUListeners are also provided with ongoing support and consultation from Student Development and Services. 

If you are interested in participating, please send your More Feet on the Ground certificate of completion to counselling services via email at

If you have any questions regarding this program please contact Student Counselling Services at ext. 4507. 

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