Meet Student Leader Nicole Lapp

Nipissing students consistently impress as leaders, in the classroom, on campus and in the community.  Recently the university celebrated 25 student leaders at the annual Dave Marshall Leadership Awards.  Over the coming months, NU News will introduce each student leader to the wider community with a short article discussing their accomplishments and activities. Today, we are pleased profile Nicole Lapp, a fifth-year Concurrent Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education, Mathematics student and Dave Marshall Leadership Award winner in the campus category.

Lapp has gained leadership experience as Match Circles co-lead and as the Math Club President.

For Math Circles, she worked with students from the community to provide math enrichment opportunities here on campus on weekends.

As President of the Math Club, Lapp brought students from all years of study together for events, and helped to initiate further involvement in the Math Club and Math Circles programs.

Through her efforts, she has helped to establish a model for which both programs can grow and continue to succeed for years to come.

The Dave Marshall Leadership Award recognizes full-time students who have made an outstanding extra-curricular contribution to their academic program, to the campus, or to the greater community. Campus recipients are selected in recognition of their ability to: enhance campus culture, create a sense of community on campus, and empower others to get involved.

Dave Marshall Leadership Award