Discussion on pipeline risk

Nipissing University welcomes Dr. Alan Hepburn to campus for an important lecture, Breach of Trust: Energy East & the Risk of a Pipeline Failure, on Thursday, October 27 at 7 p.m. in room H104.Dr. Hepburn will present the results of his research into the safety of the proposed Energy East Pipeline. The proposed pipeline would carry bitumen from the Alberta oils sands through the North Bay area and across Trout Lake in a converted natural gas pipeline.
A retired technical manager from Atomic Energy Canada Limited, Dr. Hepburn brings extensive experience in the nuclear industry on the analysis and design of safety-related control and protection systems. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Rivers Alliance.
This event is sponsored by the Canada Research Chair in Environmental Histories and Geographies, Nipissing’s Masters in Environmental Studies/Sciences, and Stop Energy East (North Bay).

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