New mental health campaign at NU

Nipissing University’s Student Counselling Services is launching NU Listens, a new campaign that aims to increase visibility and conversation around mental health. NU Listens invites partners across campus to assist in supporting students. The program will provide training to faculty and staff on being supportive listeners. These trained listeners will then be identified for students.

With the support of Mental Health Commission of Canada, Student Counselling Services created NU Listens with the objective of improving the mental health outreach programming available at the university.

Student Counselling Services aims to have staff and faculty from every department and academic pursuit participating in the program so they feel empowered to connect with students who are struggling and feel confident in their knowledge of the resources available.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to sign up now as an NU Listener to receive the training and signage for their workplaces in advance of the student launch on October 28.

In order to participate, staff and faculty members are asked to complete an online education module from the Council of Ontario Universities, titled More Feet on The Ground, that teaches how to successfully recognize mental health concerns, respond appropriately to students, and provide referrals to services.

Once the module is complete, contact to participate. Student Counselling Services will provide staff and faculty with additional resources for making referrals and NU Listens signage for their workspace.

Staff and faculty are not asked to fulfill the role or duties of counsellors. Their role is to be a supportive listener for students who choose to speak with them. Participation of staff and faculty is completely voluntary; they may choose to discontinue their participation at any time.

NU Listens will also have posters on campus to remind students that the university cares about them and if they are struggling, many staff and faculty members are willing to listen and to connect them to services.

“NU listens recognizes that students may encounter many difficulty situations or mental health needs during their studies, whether it be stress, financial challenges, health problems, grieving the loss of a loved one, or mental health concerns,” said Sarah Cantin, manager of Student Counselling Services at Nipissing University. “These concerns are difficult and can interfere with a student’s quality of life and ability to perform academically. We want students to know that Nipissing University cares about them and that this program is an ongoing part of the NU identity, building off of the individualized approach to education and services that we promote.”

More information about NU Listens is available through Student Counselling Services at or by contacting Sarah Cantin at 705-474-3450 x 4493

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