Dr. Tabachnick publishes grand slam

Dr. David Tabachnick has been busy publishing articles while on sabbatical this year.  The professor of political science recently completed a grand slam, batting in four published articles within the span of the past month. He led off with this piece,Do performance enhancing drugs belong in your kid’s locker room?, in the Globe and Mail on November 11, examining the use and evolution of performance enhancing drugs in sport.

Next up, Dr. Tabachnick addressed climate change and the political winds blowing around it in this November 24, Globe and Mail article, Canada’s climate solution may offer more comfort than change.

On December 1, Dr. Tabachnick waded into the mess in the middle east, with an essay for The Hill,Of escalators and quagmires.

Rounding the bases on December 7, he discusses the effect of terrorism on domestic security in the wake of the recent Paris attacks in Open Canada withSecurity after Paris: Is Israel our future?

Not content to simply perform a pen flip akin to Jose Bautista’s famous bat flip, Dr. Tabachnick is set to publish another piece with The Hill on Machiavelli and ISIS.  NU News will have more details as soon as they are available.?

My Nipissing