NU warms hearts and bellies on Coldest Night of the Year

Photo of Coldest Night team

Nipissing University’s team, Nipissing Soles, helped make a difference in the community at the recent Coldest Night of the Year walk. The team raised $3,136.05, placing sixth out of 38 teams in North Bay. The Coldest Night of the Year is a fun, family-friendly walking fundraiser that raises money for the hungry, homeless and hurting in 65 communities across Canada. Nipissing Soles report that the 5 km walk was a bit windy, but, being a hardy bunch, they still managed to have a great time, thanks in part to the musical stylings of Nipissing’s own Verdon Vaillancourt and his band. The event provides participants the opportunity to experience a hint of the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness while raising much needed revenue for North Bay’s the Gathering Place. The Gathering Place serves people living with poverty in North Bay. Your involvement in this walk impacts hundreds of lives in a positive way, helping build a bright future that once seemed out of reach.

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