NU student off to Math in Moscow

Nipissing University congratulates Mitchell Haslehurst, third-year mathematics student, on his acceptance to the prestigious Math in Moscow program.

Math in Moscow is a one-semester study abroad program for undergraduate students held at the Independent University of Moscow in Moscow,Russia. It is jointly run by the Independent University of Moscow, Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, and the Higher School of Economics.

The MATH in MOSCOW program provides a fifteen-week-long research experience for students, not only with other mathematically talented and highly motivated students but also with some of the world's leading mathematicians. The main feature of the Russian tradition of teaching mathematics has always been the development of a creative approach to studying mathematics from the outset, the emphasis being on problem solving rather than memorizing theorems.

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) offer three scholarships each year to support Canadian undergraduate students registered in a mathematics or computer science program to attend a semester at the Math in Moscow program.

“Mitchell is an exceptional student and we are all very proud of him for earning this very prestigious opportunity. He’s going to have a wonderful time and learn a great deal,” said Alex Karassev, associate professor and chair of the Computer Science and Math department at Nipissing. “Mitchell’s success is also a testament to the quality of education that exists in our program, our students are achieving on an international scale.”

Haslehurst will travel to Moscow in the fall of 2014.

ResearchMath and Computer Science