Nipissing students pay it forward with NURAKs

Nipissing students have put their own kindness spin to the recent social media #NEKNominations that have gone viral.#NekNomiantions have shown up a lot lately in social media outlets like Facebook. #NekNomiantions are an online drinking game, where someone drinks or “necks” an alcoholic beverage and performs a task, then uploads the footage to their social media sites and passes on the nomination to three other people. The new nominees then have 24hrs to post a similar #NekNomiantion. However, some people have taken the nominations too far, creating a dangerous, even lethal, situations.
Nipissing students are a part of a movement that is turning the negative aspect of #NEKNominations into a positive by substituting a random act of kindness (RAK) in place of drinking (the NEK). Others are then nominated to commit their own random act of kindness.
Some examples of Nipissing University Random Acts of Kindness (NURAKs) are pre-paying laundry machines, bringing flowers and valentines to residents in a nursing home, giving out free timbits, leaving flowers with uplifting notes on library tables, and posting motivational quotes in a public space.
The university caught wind of these good deeds and wanted to offer support and encouragement. On February 13, employees handed out over 500 cookies, chocolates and goodies to unsuspecting students and colleagues around campus.
Keep an eye on your Facebook or Twitter feed for NURAKs. If you get nominated, have fun engaging in a random act of kindness.?

My Nipissing