Dr. Gosse named Advisor to CAFE

Congratulations to Dr. Douglas Gosse, professor in the Schulich School of Education, on being named an advisor to the Canadian Association for Equality. 
Gosse is the author of Jackytar, an educational novel exploring masculinities;Male Educators’ Perspectives on Best Practices for Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Boys in Single-Sex Classrooms, and the primary author of,The state of Canadian boyhood: Beyond literacy to a holistic approach. Most recently, he developed a curriculum resource for parents-guardians, teachers, administrators and students titled: Boys and Academic and Social Success: Enhance curriculum planning, classroom management, communication, and positive male role models for boys. His research has been featured numerous times on radio shows from The Current to Radio Canada, on television, including Canada AM, and in newspapers ranging from the Globe and Mail to the Vancouver Sun.

The Canadian Association for Equality is committed to achieving equality for all Canadians, regardless of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, family status, race, ethnicity, creed, age or disability. For more information, check out their website, here.?

Schulich School of Education