Sustainability behind the scenes

Photo of NU accepting sustainability check

While many of Nipissing's sustainability practices are easy to spot around campus, from solar lighting and touchless plumbing to the living wall and water-bottle filling stations, many successful initiatives are harder to find, though no less important and impactful.Nipissing recently earned $26,000 in Union Gas incentive rebates thanks to the implementation of energy efficient air handling units and condensing boilers in all new buildings and renovations.
The university's growth over the past decade has presented a number of opportunities to take advantage of high efficiency and environmentally friendly technologies. New buildings, expansions and renovations are all specified to include high efficiency air handling units, energy efficient lighting, condensing boilers, heat recovery ventilators and energy efficient laundry appliances.
Nipissing’s facilities department, in cooperation with building design consultants, regularly apply for utility incentive programs resulting in instant rebate savings, as displayed in the Union Gas example. These initiatives will also provide well over a million dollars in energy consumption savings, based on the last two years worth of installed equipment.
