New book for Dr. Elliott-Johns and Dr. Jarvis

Photo of Dr. Susan Elliott-Johns and Dr. Daniel Jarvis' book cover

Congratulations to Dr. Susan Elliott-Johns and Dr. Daniel Jarvis on the publication of their co-edited book, Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice (University of Toronto Press).In addition to individual chapters written by each of the co-editors, contributing authors include four other Nipissing faculty from the Schulich School of Education: Dr. Maria Cantalini-Williams, Rob Graham, Chris Hachkowski, and Dr. Callie Mady.
Perspectives on Transitions in Schooling and Instructional Practice examines student transitions between major levels of schooling, teacher transitions in instructional practice, and the intersection of these two significant themes in education research. Twenty-six leading international experts offer meaningful insights on current pedagogical practices, obstacles to effective transitions, and proven strategies for stakeholders involved in supporting students in transition.
The text is divided into four sections, representing the four main transitions in formal schooling: Early Years (Home, Pre-school, and Kindergarten) to Early Elementary (Grades 1–3); Early Elementary to Late Elementary (Grades 4–8); Late Elementary to Secondary (Grades 9–12); and Secondary to Post-Secondary (College and University). A Coda draws together over-arching themes from throughout the text to provide recommendations and a visual model that captures their interactions.
Combining theoretical approaches with practical examples of school-based initiatives, the text will be of particular interest to those involved in supporting either the student experience (both academically and emotionally), or teacher professional learning and growth.
Selected excerpts from this new text are to be included by the Ontario Ministry of Education in upcoming regional professional learning sessions, Transitions and Pathways Inquiry, Grades 4-10, conducted with teams of educators from all English language school boards throughout the province.
This book is currently available in paperback (UTP, Amazon, Indigo/Chapters), with an e-book to follow shortly, and a cloth (hardback) version to be released in January 2014.

My Nipissing