Environmental discussion at Nipissing

Nipissing’s Masters of Environmental Studies/Sciences Speakers Series is pleased to announce Dr. Adam Csank, from the department of Geography, will give a special presentation on October 24 at 5 p.m. in room A257.Dr. Csank’s presentation is titled Environmental sensitivity of trees killed during insect outbreaks in south-central Alaska revealed by tree-ring isotope chronologies.Here’s an abstract:
Are trees that are killed during insect outbreaks under more stress by climate than trees that survive? This was the focus of our study of trees killed by recent spruce bark beetle outbreaks in South-central and southwestern Alaska. Tree ring growth, carbon and water isotopes show differences in correlation with spring-summer temperatures for surviving and non-surviving trees. Our results show that some trees may be physiologically predisposed to mortality events (i.e. insect attack) by nature of their sensitivity to climate.
This presentation is open to everyone and is free of charge.
For video conferencing through Bracebridge campus, please RSVP toLorna Denne.

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