Time to dress up your face for Movember

With the weather turning ugly, windy and cold, it’s time for men to start thinking about keeping their upper lips warm, fuzzy and uber-manly. Yes, Movember is here.Last year, untold numbers of Nipissing males donated their face to the Movember cause, supported every whisker of the way by the legions of Mo Sistas. When the whiskers met the razor at Movember’s conclusion, Nipissing had raised more than $4,400 to aid in the battle against prostate cancer! Bravo muchachos!
This year, the university mustache command team has joined forces with NUSU to create one super team, which you canregister for, view amazing photos and donate to right here.
The lovely Mofolks in charge of casual dress days will be directing all casual dress Fridays in the month of Movember to the Movember. So, be sure to wear your jeans and admire the fine facial hair of your colleagues while giving generously to the battle against prostate cancer.
If you are looking to grow your mo…just start with a clean shaven upper lip on Movember 1 and let nature take over.  Don’t worry, your mo knows what to do.  Perhaps you’ll be graced with a Snidely Whiplash!  Or the coveted Lanny MacDonald, perhaps the more challenging Charlie Chaplin is the mo for you…you’ll never know until you try.
For more information on Movember, click here.

My Nipissing