NU Reads collecting supplies

NU Reads is gearing up for another year of nurturing a love of literacy in children through reading groups and one-on-one discussions and activities.
Entering its fourth year, NU reads continues to grow, with 50 children aged 4-12 expected to participate this year, and some 75 student volunteers from the university wanting to get involved.

This year, NU Reads is holding a Book and Supplies Drive to develop a mini-library and resource bank for the program. The group is looking to collect children’s picture books, construction paper, markers, crayons, rulers, glue and craft supplies. Monetary donations are also accepted and appreciated. Donations can be dropped off on campus to room A201C anytime throughout the school year, or at Nipissing’s Downtown Campus (100 Main St. East) until November 4.

The first NU Reads session, focusing on pirates, takes place on January 14 at Nipissing’s downtown campus (100 Main Street East). Registration will open for the program starting in November.

The group was created by two Nipissing students, Alayna Becker and Dana Wilson, both now fifth-year English students in the concurrent education program who have been actively involved as university mentors. As peer mentors, they were encouraged to create new initiatives that build leadership and make a positive contribution to the community.

“We’ve been getting the word out about the book and supplies drive at Nipissing, and students have been very encouraging,” said Becker. “Some books, supplies and monetary donations have already been made, and we anticipate many more. It’s great to see people bringing in copies of their favourite books from when they were children in the hopes that more children will enjoy them just as much.” 

For more information about NU Reads, click here, or call ext. 4241.

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