Dr. Long to feature on CBC Ideas

Dr. John Long, Schulich School of Education professor, will be featured in an upcoming episode of CBC Ideas.
Tune in to CBC Radio on December 19 at 9 p.m. to hear Dr. Long interviewed as part of a larger story titled George MacMartin’s Big Canoe Trip.  

In 1905, George MacMartin, Treaty Commissioner for Ontario, accompanied by federal commissioners and native guides, journeyed through rapids and hiked through the wilds to meet with First Nations leaders. The result was James Bay Treaty Nine. The treaty put northern Ontario into Canadian hands, but First Nations' tradition is clear: their leaders agreed to share the land, not give it away. Historian Christopher Moore explores what the long lost diary of George MacMartin reveals and what it means today.

Moore interviewed Long for the program as the topic is central to Long’s recent book Treaty No. 9: Making the Agreement to Share the Land in Far Northern Ontario in 1905 (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 2010).

My Nipissing