COU response to Liberal Platform and Post-secondary Education

Council of Ontario Universities

Ontario universities support Liberal's commitments to enhance affordability and preserve quality

Toronto, September 5, 2011 – The Liberal platform commitments are great for students, families, postsecondary institutions and for the province, the Council of Ontario Universities acknowledged today as the promises will dramatically enhance the affordability of higher education.

"We support all measures that can both improve access for students and ensure sufficient funding for Ontario universities so they can maintain the high quality and international competitiveness of their academic programs," says Alastair Summerlee, Chairman of the Council and President of the University of Guelph.

Students of families earning less than $160,000 will see up to a $1600 reduction in their tuition funded by government and provided through the university in which they are registered. "We appreciate that this is a significant platform commitment and demonstrates the priority that the Liberals have given to higher education over their mandate," says Bonnie Patterson, President and CEO of COU. "We are also grateful for the investment in 60,000 new students expected in our universities over the next five years, as more and more students and their families recognize the importance of higher education," says Patterson.

The Conservative platform also included funding for the 60,000 new spaces and enhancements to student aid through the Ontario Student Assistance Program and universities look forward to hearing the intentions of the other parties.


For further information please contact:
Jennifer Grass
Senior Director, Communications and Public Affairs

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