Dr. Louela Manankil-Rankin

Areas of Specialization:
Research Interests:
Louela comes from a long history in teaching undergraduate nursing students. Her passion is in engaging students in reflection and reconstruction of their experiences within the teaching and learning relationship. She is an advocate of Narrative Inquiry as a foundational learning frame for becoming a nurse. Her educational interests are reflective practice, curriculum design, and program evaluation.
Current & Future Research:
Louela’s doctoral work is entitled “Understanding How Nurses Experience Living their Values Amidst Organizational Change”. She plans to pursue a research program that uses Narrative Inquiry as the primary methodology for understanding educational and nursing practice issues.
Manankil-Rankin, L. (2014). From Chaos to Beauty: Reflections from a Reflective Practice Gathering. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, retrieved fromhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14623943.2014.883305.
Manankil-Rankin, L., Lindsay, G., Landeen, J., & McKey, C. (October 2015). Moving from Field to Research Text in Narrative Inquiry: Lessons Learned. Golden nuggets presentation at the Qualitative Health Research Conference, University of Alberta International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Manankil-Rankin, L., Landeen, J., McKey, C., & Lindsay, G. M. (October 2015). Understanding How Nurses' Experience Living Their Values Amidst Organizational Change: A Narrative Inquiry. Oral presentation at the Qualitative Health Research Conference, University of Alberta International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.