Dr. Trevor Smith

Health Services Research, Health Informatics, Stress & Social Support, Palliative Care, Social Gerontology
Areas of Specialization:
Canadian Health Care System; Social Gerontology; Sociology of Health, Illness & Mental Disorder; Social Determinants of Health.
Research Interests:
Health Services Research, Health Informatics, Stress & Social Support, Palliative Care, Social Gerontology
Current and Future Research:
I am a health services researcher collaborating with a group called interRAI.
InterRAI is a network of clinicians and researchers in over 30 countries committed to improving health care for persons who are elderly, frail, or disabled. Their goal is to promote evidence-based clinical practice and policy decisions through the collection and interpretation of high quality data about the characteristics and outcomes of persons served across a variety of health and social services setting. They develop standardized, comprehensive intake / needs assessment forms for home care, nursing homes, assisted living, psychiatric hospitals, palliative care, etc.,). I am a co-author of the interRAI Palliative Care. As a postdoctoral student, I assisted with the development of the interRAI-Mental Health. As of October 2005, the interRAI Mental Health was mandated as the common assessment instrument for all designated psychiatric beds in the Province of Ontario, Canada, and constitutes part of the Ontario Mental Health Reporting System (OMHRS), Canadian Institute for Health Information