Off-Campus Living

Off Campus Living logo

Nipissing University’s Off Campus Living Program is dedicated to providing students who choose to live off campus with the support and resources they need to become informed residents, promoting active participation in the community and on campus. By providing access to advertising websites, through Places4Students and SpacesShared, students have access to a variety of housing options to suit their specific needs.

Getting Started:

The search for a place to live should begin early as housing can be more difficult to find toward the end of the summer - we strongly encourage all students to search for housing early.

Contact Us:

Phone: 705-474-3450 ext. 4242

Please note: the office of Off Campus Living is a virtual office.

Communication via phone or email is preferred and we will return your contact as soon as we are able. 

Should you wish to meet in person, please email or call to set up an appointment.

Find a Place That is Just Right for You

Places4Students provides students, schools and landlords with a high quality, off-campus housing service. The website provides a large real-time database for student housing vacancies in our area, including photos and text, contact information and property features.


Places4Students Customer Support Team:



Post your property listings, with fantastic features and benefits, such as:

  • Google mapping capabilities
  • Up-to-date database that is real-time 24/7
  • Descriptive listings with photos, amenity icons and floor plans to advertise your property most effectively
  • Quick search capabilities allow students to sort listings by price, preferred features and specific requirements
  • Live customer support (toll-free) or “help” link online
  • Partner schools promote and refer students directly to the website
  • And more

Register for a Landlord Account ❯  Sign in to Landlord Account ❯


If you are looking for a home away from home in North Bay, search listing on Places4Students.

Here are some benefits for students creating an account with

  • Have a place to rent? Post a 'Student Sublet'
  • Looking for a place to live? Post a 'Student Profile'
  • Save 'Search' preferences
  • Save 'Favorite' listings for reference and follow-up
  • And more

Nipissing landing page ❯

SpacesShared logo

SpacesShared is a homesharing technology platform that empowers two key groups to meet each other: older adults and students. Launched in 2023, SpacesShared is responding to the Canadian housing crisis with a solution that prioritizes connection, comfort, and community. 

Students looking for a safe, affordable place to stay can now quickly and affordably connect with older adult hosts who would like some extra income, help around the house, and an opportunity to give back. 

The platform is entirely self-contained from application, to agreement, rent and relationship management on its website. It’s a new way to honour an old tradition: opening homes to people and experiences that enrich lives and communities.

Have a spare room? ❯  Looking for a room? ❯

Housing Insecurity


Nipissing University recognizes that safe and accessible housing is a fundamental need and housing insecurity can impact students academic success. There are a variety of campus services that may be helpful to students navigating housing insecurity.

Student Financial Services

Students are encouraged to contact Financial Aid, at any time for support in determining what financial supports may be available to assist them in times of need.

Awards and Bursaries: Students in financial need may be eligible for some of the many different in-year bursaries and awards that are offered. Please make note of the deadline to apply each year.

Student Support Fund: Students who may face unexpected financial hardship are encouraged to apply to the Student Support Fund.

Access & Inclusion

For students seeking advocacy and equity support in relation to their current housing situation or in their effort to find housing, the university Access & Inclusion Coordinator is available to help identify options & possible supports. Please email to be connected with the staff that can support you the best.

Emergency Housing

Students facing a housing emergency or immediate housing insecurity are encouraged to contact Off Campus Living ( and Residence Life ( Through the Residence Life department a number of emergency options may be available to students in need of housing support on a short term basis and/or who may be looking for housing for the remainder of their academic term.

Rental Search tips and Checklists

Tips for Searching in North Bay

  • Start early—give yourself lots of time, plan and budget for at least three trips to see rental units if you live elsewhere.
  • Location, location, location—settle on a search area where you will find convenient places you are likely to go (close to campus, bus routes, grocery stores, laundry services, parking).
  • See every place—never agree to rent something you have never physically looked over.
  • Be picky—search at least 5 different places, so you have some options to compare.
  • Ask lots of questions, the more you know the better.
  • Be persistent—look frequently, check often, and once you have found your place follow up with a landlord.
  • Go with your gut—do you feel safe here, casually see who the neighbours are, drive around the neighbourhood. Did it smell musky when you walked in the unit? You will either love it right away or not, be cautious.
  • Talk to current tenants about the landlord and property. Ask about the landlord's response time to repairs, maintenance or other issues that are of your concern.

Does the Property Meet Your Needs?

There are a lot of things that need to be considered while looking for a place to live in North Bay, as you want to be comfortable in this space.


  • Proximity to campus- Is it walking distance? Is there reasonable access to a bus stop, will you have to make any transfers? If you own a car are there parking spaces available?
  • Proximity to amenities- How will you access places to go grocery shopping, getting mail, doing laundry, banking, etc.?
  • Does it have enough space for you and your roommates? North Bay by-laws states a rental property cannot have more than 5 bedrooms.
  • Does it offer storage for belongings?
  • Is there laundry facilities onsite?
  • What access to cooking facilities do you have?
  • Are telephone, internet, and/or cable available?
  • Are you allowed to personalize the space (painting, hanging pictures)?
  • Is the landlord responsible for cutting grass?
  • Is the landlord responsible for shovelling snow?
Rental Terms:
  • Does it fit within your budget?
  • Does it include any utilities or are they extra?
  • Are your required to sign a lease or an agreement with the landlord?
  • Is subletting allowed?

Residential Rental Housing License

In 2012, the City of North Bay created the Residential Rental Housing by-law 2012-55, which created the Residential Rental Housing License. This license needs to be obtained by landlords who rent out 3-5 bedrooms in a single house. Once an application for the license has been made, an inspection of the house will be conducted by at least 2 members of city staff from the Fire, Building, and Zoning departments to ensure the building is up to code and follows the city by-laws. Another inspection by an electrical contractor is also required.

Once these inspections have been passed successfully, the landlord will obtain their license. A certificate proving the landlord has obtained this license must be displayed within 1 meter of the main entrance of the rental house. This license is valid for 2 years and must be renewed. The license puts ease of mind to both the landlord and the students renting because everyone involved knows that the house is up to code and is safe.

When viewing a house for rent, check to make sure the certificate is displayed, and that it is not expired. If there is not a certificate of license that you can see, ask the landlord. The City of North Bay recommends that if you view a house that should have a license, and it does not, do not rent a room from that house as it has not been approved of all the requirements for a rental home in the City of North Bay.

Inspecting the Property

There is more to property searching than just liking the place you are living- you need to make sure that it is safe. And although you may not feel comfortable inspecting the physical condition and amenities of an apartment during your visit, it’s important to remember that you will likely be living there for 8-12 months of the year, so check everything that you can. It is also important that you discuss and ask questions to the landlord while you are inspecting.


  • Do you feel safe in the neighbourhood?


  • Does the landlord have a Housing License? A Housing License is needed whenever a landlord is renting out 3-5 bedrooms in the same property.
  • Has the property been inspected by the fire department? If the home has a license then this is an automatic yes, otherwise this needs to be asked.
  • Main entrance door to apartment secure with a lock/deadbolt
  • All entrances are well-lighted
  • Windows are secured and lockable
  • Fire exit(s)
  • Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors


  • Acceptable state of repair of the building (both outside and inside)
  • Areas are clean, grass has been mowed recently, and garbage is properly secured
  • Good appearance and upkeep of the unit (carpets clean, no pests)
  • Condition of the ceiling, walls and floors (water leaks?)
  • Checked around windows/doors for drafts
  • Lighting in each room (ceiling fixtures)
  • Checked all light switches and electrical outlets (grounded?)
  • Access to the fuse box/circuit breakers
  • Access and use of the temperature control
  • Checked faucets for both water pressure and for hot water
  • Checked under the sink for water leaks/damage
  • Checked and flushed the toilet
  • Checked bathroom for leaks/damage/discoloration (mildew stains)
  • Appliances are in working order

Checklists and Resources

Apartment Hunting Checklist - Print this checklist off and bring it with you when looking at properties

Safety tips

Fire Prevention and Safety

Being fire aware is very important when you are looking for a rental property and making sure you are aware of them prior to viewing listings will help you to know what to ask and look for. Check out our Safety Tips below and the 'Searching Tips and Checklists"' section to find what your should be looking for in a safe rental and some suggestions on questions that you should be asking landlords.

We are working with the North Bay Fire and Emergency Services to help ensure the fire safety of our students. North Bay Fire and Emergency Services provides fire protection services through a range of programs designed to protect the lives and property from the fires, sudden medical emergencies, or exposure to dangerous conditions. Visit their website to find more information on the list below and more:

  • Safety videos
  • Fire Safety Legislation
  • Fire Inspections
  • Fire Safety Plans
  • Barbecue Safety

"See It Before You Sign It" - Before a lease gets signed make sure the rental property is fire safe first (Video).

North Bay Safe Student Housing Fire Safety Checklist

Make Your Place Fire-Safe - Home self inspection checklist

Accommodation Guide for Students - A guide to finding fire-safe accommodation for students

Home Fire Safety Checklist

Protecting Yourself and Your Property

Living in North Bay, as in any large urban area, requires taking adequate safety precautions. Be observant at all times. Anticipation is a major factor in preventing crimes.

  • If someone knocks on your door, identify the person before you open the door.
  • At all times require service personnel to provide identification and authorization from your landlord before letting them into your room or apartment.
  • When traveling at night, try to arrange to go with one or more friends.
  • If walking, stay in well-lit, heavily traveled areas. Walk with confidence to convey that you are aware and in control.
  • If you think someone is following you, switch direction or cross the street. If the follower persists, call the police immediately, and try to find a lighted store or home to ensure safety.
  • Always have your keys in hand when you approach your house or apartment. Fumbling in your purse or pockets for a key can distract you and put you off guard.
  • If you have to use a public laundry facility, try to always go with a friend.
  • Make sure that your door has a deadbolt lock and keep it locked at all times.
  • Check all windows to see if they are secure and have adequate locks. Provide coverings for your windows and pull the shades or close the drapes at night.
  • Never leave an extra key outside for any reason; leave one with a friend nearby instead.

Mobile Safety App

'Nipissing Safe' is a mobile app that you can download to your phone that offers users virtual walk home features and an emergency notification system to increase safety on and off campus.

Renting in North Bay


City By-Laws

Please make sure that you are aware of any by-laws that pertain to you while living off campus like, parking and noise.

Garbage and Recycling

Being a Good Tenant and Neighbour

Being a Good Neighbour

While you may no longer be living on campus, you are still required to be responsible and aware of your neighbours and surroundings while living off campus. You are a contributing members of the community and have the ability to make it great!

How to be a good neighbour:
  • Be considerate to others living around you.
  • Be respectful of your noise level.
  • Follow city by-laws and parking guidelines.
  • Take the time to meet and introduce yourself to your neighbours.

Being a Good Tenant

How to be a good tenant:

  • Read and understand your lease thoroughly before signing.
  • Do not break your lease.
  • Pay your rent on time. Even if there are issues with your rental property, you are not legally allowed to withhold the payment of rent.
  • Reach out to your landlord immediately if there are any issues.
  • Treat your rental like you own it.

Being a Good Roommate

Roommate Tips:

  • Best friends don't always make the best roommates - Pick someone responsible to live with, not just a good friend.
  • Communicate - This is key! Figure out the best method of communication in conflict situations.
  • Be understanding - If their dished pile up during exams, cut them some slack.
  • Do your share - Try to be the roommate that consistently cleans up. The use of a chore chart could be very helpful.
  • Keep it quiet - Be respectful to different roommate schedules and lifestyles.

Becoming a landlord can be a very rewarding and sometimes lucrative experience. It also comes with many responsibilities, which many people do not think of when they start. This resource section seeks to provide landlords with the information that will make their rental experience positive for themselves and their tenants.

Before You Rent

If you are thinking of becoming a landlord, carefully research the legal obligations and responsibilities you’ll assume once you’ve entered into a tenancy agreement. In addition to clearly understanding a landlord’s legal rights and responsibilities, you must also realize the significant commitment you are making when you rent to someone. What may seem like a fairly benign requests from a tenant (or potential tenant), or a small decision made about the rental space, could result in the landlord being in a costly legal predicament!

This guide published by the Landlord Self Help Centre outlines some considerations that landlords are obligated to follow through the Residential Tenancy Act (2006) including: security of tenure, setting the rent, tenant screening, discrimination, rental deposits, tenant information package, interest on deposits, receipt provision, access to vital services, and termination of tenancy.

Residential Rental Housing License - City of North Bay

In 2012, the City of North Bay created the Residential Rental Housing by-law 2012-55, which created the Residential Rental Housing License. This license needs to be obtained by landlords who rent out 3-5 bedrooms in a single house. Once an application for the license has been made, an inspection of the house will be conducted by at least 2 members of city staff from the Fire, Building, and Zoning departments to ensure the building is up to code and follows the city by-laws. Another inspection by an electrical contractor is also required.

Once these inspections have been passed successfully, the landlord will obtain their license. A certificate proving the landlord has obtained this license must be displayed within 1 meter of the main entrance of the rental house. This license is valid for 2 years and must be renewed. The license puts ease of mind to both the landlord and the students renting because everyone involved knows that the house is up to code and is safe. 

For more information check out the links below:

Screening Tenants

Every person has the right to be free from discrimination in housing because of Code-protected grounds. You have the right to equal treatment when buying, selling, renting or being evicted from an apartment, house, condominium or commercial property.

Standard Lease in Ontario

The Government of Ontario has a standard lease for landlords in Ontario to use. As of April 30, 2018, most private market rentals are required to use this created standard form (lease) when entering into a tenancy agreement. Both the tenant and the landlord must sign the lease at least by the date the tenant is scheduled to move into the rental unit.

The landlord must provide the tenant with a copy of the lease within 21 days after the tenant signs it and gives it to the landlord. There is a view-only version of the form and a fill-in version as well. The forms can be found available on the Government of Ontario website here.

Rent Receipts

Landlords are required to provide tenants with rent receipts for income purposes.

A sample rent receipt created by OCL is provided HERE, however, a simple online search will give more examples for you to create your own. If you would like an editable version of the OCL rent receipt, please send us an email so that we can provide you with a digital copy.

Maintaining a Tenancy

The Residential Tenancies Act (the Act) has rules about the maintenance and repair of rental properties. This brochure, published by the Landlord and Tenant Board (2007), explains some of these rules, however, it is not a complete summary of the law and it is not intended to provide legal advice. These rules apply to all rental agreements, even if:

  • the agreement is not in writing,
  • a written agreement conflicts with the rules under the Act, and
  • the rental property was not in good condition and the tenant agreed to rent it anyway.

Advice, Assistance, and Support

Landlord Self Help Centre provides a number of resources for landlords. Landlord’s Self-Help Centre is a non-profit community legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario and mandated to support Ontario’s small-scale landlord community exclusively. LSHC provides information, summary advice and referrals. It develops educational materials and delivers educational outreach programs which aim to help small landlords better understand their rights and responsibilities and navigate the regulatory environment to which they are subject. This site offers information on a variety of topics related to residential tenancies and rental relationships in Ontario, it is geared toward the needs of small-scale landlords.

Community Resources

Name Phone Email Website
AIDS Committee of North Bay and Area 705-497-3560   North Bay AIDS Committee
Alcoholics Anonymous 705-474-7940   Alcoholics Anonymous Northeast Ontario
Amelia Rising
Sexual Assault Centre of Nipissing
24-Hour Crisis Line:
705-476-3355 or 
Office: 705-840-2403 Amelia Rising
Arthritis Society,
Northeast Region - Sudbury
705-673-4641 Arthritis Society, Northeast Region
Brain Injury Sudbury and District 705-670-0200 Brain Injury Sudbury and District
Canadian Hearing Society 1-866-518-0000 Canadian Hearing Society
CNIB 1-800-563-2642   CNIB
Crisis Centre North Bay 24-Hour Crisis Line: 705-474-1031 Crisis Centre North Bay
Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing 705-472-6515 Community Counselling Centre
Canada Drug Rehab Help Line: 1-888-245-6887   Canada Drug Rehab
Multiple Sclerosis Society 1-800-268-7582 Multiple Sclerosis Society
Nipissing Community Legal Clinic 705-476-6603   Nipissing Community Legal Clinic
Nipissing Mental Health Housing and Support Services 705-476-4088    
North Bay Food Bank 705-495-3290 North Bay Food Bank
North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre 705-472-2811 North Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre
North Bay, Parry Sound District Health Unit 705-474-1400 NBPSD Health Unit

North Bay Regional Health Centre

705-474-8600   North Bay Regional Health Centre
Pain Management Clinic 705-495-7960 or
705-474-8600, ext. 3850
  Pain Management Clinic

Nipissing Resources

Campus Resources:

Name Phone Email Website

Campus Security, On-Duty Officers 24/7

Cell: 705-498-7244 or
  Security | Nipissing University
Campus Food Services 705-474-7600 ext. 5413   Dining on Campus | Nipissing University
Campus Shop Bookstore 705-474-7600 ext. 5347 The Campus Shop Apparel, Merchandise, & Gifts (
Campus Health Centre 705-474-7600 ext. 5261 Campus Health Centre | Nipissing University

Student Resources:

Name Phone Email Website
Student Union ext. 4801 Student Union
NUSU Food Bank     NUSU Food Bank
Student Development and Services Student Development and Services
Financial Aid ext. 4311 Student Financial Services
Enji giigdoyang Office of Indigenous Initiatives ext. 4899 Indigenous Initiatives

How do I avoid and prevent rental fraud?

Rental fraud can happen anywhere to anyone. Being diligent is key to help in avoiding scams and fraud. There are two common types of rental fraud that affect both students and landlords: fraudulent rental properties and fraudulent renters looking for places to rent. Provided below is some information to help students identify aspects of rental fraud and precautions that should be taken to avoid becoming a victim.

Fraudulent Rental Properties

Fraudulent rental properties (including rooms or apartments for rent) tend to occur in locations that are considered ideal for the post-secondary student population, but also affect prime or desirable rental locations within a city and tend to target renters that are from outside the city.

People that are advertising these properties will usually find a way to ask for personal or banking information that looks innocent at first. You should always be cautious when giving out any personal or banking information and it can be used for identity fraud. After agreeing to rent, the people offering that space will ask for rent money (usually first and last) prior to your arrival and tend not to offer viewing of the space or will find excuses of why this is not possible. Upon your arrival you will learn that this space either doesn’t exist or was never available for rent in the first place.

Tips to consider

  • Research the property or physically go to the address provided to verify it exists
  • Schedule a viewing of the space and always read through any contract thoroughly before signing
  • If the people renting the space are rushing or pressuring you to sign a contract or send money quickly, this is usually a sign of a scam
  • If the people renting the space are not answering your questions or not allowing you to view the space first, this is usually a sign of a scam
  • Trust your instincts. If something feels off about your interactions, then it is probably a good idea to look at a different property

Fraudulent Renters

Fraudulent renters are people who are claiming to look for a place to rent but in the end have no intentions of living in that rental space. It is often seen that these people will send fraudulent payments, often overpayments, which they will then ask for the over paid money to be sent back to them. This also may seem innocent but can cause issues when banking information can be exchanged.

Tips to consider

  • Check the information that renters are providing you and verify any personal information
  • If you are speaking with someone from out of the country, do not provide them with your personal banking information. Consider setting up an email for EMT for this type of transaction
  • Only accept checks/deposits if the amount on them is the exact amount agreed upon; no more, no less. If an overpayment is accepted do not refund overpayments and suggest that the extra money be used for the next month’s rent
  • Ask that the renter communicate with you through their official post-secondary institution student email
  • When in doubt, you can ask the student for a ‘Proof of Enrolment’ letter, that they will be able to receive from Nipissing University. However, it is important to remember that students must be enrolled in courses in order to have access to their ‘Proof of Enrolment’ letter. Sometimes international students will not enroll in courses until they come to campus in order to receive assistance with the process. If this is the case, they should have received a letter of acceptance to their program at their institution and you can ask for proof of that
  • If you think you are being contacted by a scammer the best thing to do is to not respond and block them from contacting you any further

If you don’t feel comfortable about an email or phone call you receive from a potential tenant, 

  • If you don’t feel comfortable about an email or phone call you receive from a potential tenant, you do not need to continue contact with them

Additional Resources

If you happen to become a victim of fraud, don’t be embarrassed. File a complaint with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tenants


How much rent can a landlord charge a new tenant?

The Tenant Protection Act allows a landlord and tenant to negotiate the rent at the beginning of the tenancy agreement. Since rent control was ended in the 1990s essentially the price of a new rental (a new agreement) is determined by the free market – whatever the landlord can get. Fortunately, once the tenant moves in, the rent will not increase for the next twelve months. When the rent does increase it can only increase by the rent control guideline for the year in which the increase takes effect. In some cases, the landlord may have made an application for an above guideline increase or the landlord and the tenant have agreed to a higher increase because of unit-specific capital expenditure work.

What is vacancy de-control?

Vacancy de-control means that when rental units are vacant the legislated rules about rent do not apply. A landlord and a tenant are free to negotiate a market rent and what services are included in the rent. Once the tenant has entered into a tenancy agreement, the rules about rent and the other rules in the Tenant Protection Act apply.

How many times a year may the landlord raise the rent?

A landlord is allowed to raise the rent only once a year (12 months since the tenant moved in, or since the last increase in rent). And that increase may be no more than the guideline increase, or an increase amount applied to and accepted by the Tribunal.

Can a landlord charge a deposit or a fee to get a rental unit?

A landlord can collect a rent deposit if it is requested on or before the date that the landlord and tenant enter into a tenancy agreement. The rent deposit cannot be greater than one month’s rent, or the rent for one rental period, whichever is less. If the rent has increased since the tenant paid the deposit, the landlord may require the tenant to pay the difference for the last rent payment.

Does a deposit have to be returned to a tenant when they leave?

A rent deposit is to be applied to the rent payment for the last rental period before the end of the tenancy, and at the end of the tenancy the deposit must be returned.

Does a landlord have to pay interest if a deposit is collected?

The landlord must pay the tenant 6% interest per year on the rent deposit. If the landlord does not pay the interest owed to the tenant, the tenant can make an application to the Tribunal or deduct the interest from the rent.

Does the landlord have to notify the tenant of a rent increase?

In order for the landlord to increase the rent, the landlord must serve a written notice of rent increase to the tenant at least 90 days before the date the rent increase is to take effect. The notice must tell the tenant how much the new rent will be and when to begin paying the new amount.

Can a landlord decide the method that the rent is to be paid?

Yes, a landlord can tell a new tenant how the rent must be paid – by cash, cheque or money order. Post-dated cheques can be suggested, but a person cannot be denied a rental unit for refusing to give them.

Does the landlord have to give the tenant a rent receipt?

The Tenant Protection Act requires a landlord to provide rent receipts, free of charge, to a tenant upon request. This request can be made for any payment or deposit the tenant gives to the landlord, including any payment of rent arrears. It is an offense for a landlord to refuse to provide a receipt where it is requested.

If a tenant is late with their rent, do they have time to pay their rent before the landlord can evict them?

If a tenant fails to pay rent on the date that it is due, the landlord can serve a notice of early termination to the tenant. This notice gives the tenant 14 days to vacate the premises unless the rent is paid on or before the date of termination. If the rent is not paid, the landlord can make an application to the Tribunal for an eviction order. If a tenant is persistently late with the rent, the landlord may serve a 60 day notice of termination for the end of the rental term. This 60 day notice does not provide the tenant with the option of paying the rent in order to void the notice.

Can a tenant withhold rent because the maintenance is bad?

No. Withholding rent can put tenants in jeopardy for non-payment of rent and a possible application by the landlord for termination of the tenancy. There are other options for dealing with maintenance problems such as contacting the landlord in writing about specific problems, filling an application for rent abatement with the Tribunal, or speaking with the superintendent or property manager.

Maintenance and Repair

As a tenant, what are my obligations concerning the condition of the rented premises?

A tenant is responsible for ordinary cleanliness and for damage caused either deliberately or negligently by the tenant, or a tenant’s family member or guest.

What are the obligations of the landlord concerning the condition of the rented premises?

A landlord has to keep the rental property in a good state of repair. If something is not working because of normal wear and tear, the landlord must fix it. A landlord must obey all health, safety and maintenance standards in any provincial laws or municipal bylaws.

Who is responsible if there is damage to the unit?

A tenant is responsible for paying for repairs where the tenant or one of the tenant’s guests or visitors caused the damage.

Who is responsible for maintaining the unit?

It is the landlord’s responsibility to maintain the unit.

What are my landlord’s obligations in regards to repairs?

Your landlord is obligated to make repairs to the rented premises so that it remains in the condition in which it was rented. This does not include damage which was purposeful or due to your negligence. In regards to repairs which are safety and health related, a landlord is obligated to make those repairs within a reasonable amount of time. Be sure to get promised repairs in writing before you move in.

What happens if my landlord with not make needed repairs?

If the landlord continuously refuses to make needed repairs, a tenant is authorized to have the needed repairs carried out, and then subtract the cost of those repairs from the next rent. Of note, however, is that a tenant is obligated to ensure that the cost of repairs is reasonable. This method should be used as a last resort. Remember to keep all receipts and sales slips.

When I vacate my apartment, must everything be in a perfect state of repair?

No, provided that the damage is minor and can be reasonably be considered part of the ordinary wear and tear upon the premises. For example, nail holes for hanging pictures). Where a tenant makes “improvements” such as wallpapering and painting without the consent of the landlord, the landlord can insist that the tenant remove or correct the “improvements” and restore the premises to its original condition.

A Tenant Ending a Tenancy

I signed a one year lease, but I want to move before the year is finished, what are my obligations?

If you abandon the premises, the landlord could sue you or your guarantors for any unpaid rent for the remainder of the lease. If you do plan to vacate your rental premise, you must give written notice to your landlord, and you should get a written confirmation of an acceptance of this termination. Overall, in order to terminate a tenancy, in most cases you will need to give double your duration payments.

How much notice does a tenant have to give if they want to move out?

When a tenant decides to move, they must provide a written notice of termination to the landlord. In most cases, this is a 60 day notice. If the tenant is renting on a fixed-term lease, such as one year, the tenant must give this notice to the landlord at least 60 days before the end of the lease. If the tenant is renting on a month to month basis the notice must be given at least 60 days before the last day of the final month of the tenancy. In the case of a weekly tenancy, the tenant must give the landlord 28 days notice before the last day of the final week of the tenancy. If the tenant pays rent on a daily basis, 28 days is also required.

Can a tenant break a lease?

A tenant and landlord may agree to break a lease. It is best for both parties if this agreement is in writing and signed by the landlord and the tenant. IF the landlord is not willing to break the lease, the tenant has the right to assign the lease to a new tenant with the landlord’s consent. If the landlord refuses to allow the tenant to assign the unit, or if the landlord does not respond within 7 days of the tenant’s request to assign, the tenant may end the tenancy with 30 days written notice

A landlord ending a Tenancy

What is the process for a landlord evicting a tenant?

The landlord must serve the tenant with a Notice of eviction, wait the prescribed number of days set out in the notice, and then make an application to the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal. A tenant will always have an opportunity to present arguments against the eviction at a hearing. When a landlord obtains an eviction order, it must be filed with the Sheriff at the Court. Only the Sheriff can evict a tenant.

How long does it take to evict a tenant?

This will depend upon the reason claimed in the Notice of Eviction. It can be from 7 days to several weeks.

What are some of the reasons that my landlord can evict me?

A tenant may be evicted for two types of reasons, no fault and fault.

No Fault

  • Landlord requires the unit for their own use
  • Demolition, conversion or repair of the rental unit or the residential complex
  • Conversion to a condominium
  • Residential complex is being severed into smaller lots


  • Non-payment of rent
  • Illegal act
  • Misrepresentation of income in subsidized housing
  • Damage of unit or building
  • Interference with the peaceful enjoyment of the premises by the landlord or others
  • Overcrowding or impaired safety

Can a tenant be evicted if the house is for sale?

A tenant can only be evicted if there is a signed Agreement of Purchase and Sale and the new owner or a member of his immediate family intends to live in the house.

Can my landlord evict me if he wants to use the unit for himself?

A tenant can be evicted where a landlord “in good faith” requires the unit for his own use, or for the use of a close family member.

Can a tenant be evicted for having a roommate?

No, however, a tenant may be evicted if there is an issue of overcrowding.

Can a landlord prohibit me from or evict me for having a pet?

No. A landlord can prohibit or evict a tenant for having an animal in the accommodations only in these circumstances: first, the animal’s past behaviour must have caused substantial damage to the premises, or disturbed the landlord or other tenants in their use of the complex in which the accommodations are located, or secondly, the presence of the animal has caused the landlord or other tenants to suffer serious allergic reactions, or thirdly, the animal is of a species or breed that is inherently dangerous to the landlord or other tenants. If none of these circumstances are relevant to your situation you cannot be prohibited from or evicted for having a pet. Any provision in a tenancy agreement prohibiting the presence of animals in or about the residential complex is void.

Do I have to pay bills in my name even if my roommates are responsible for them?

Yes. You are responsible for any and all bills which may be in your name because you signed the contract with the company, regardless if you share the rental or not. The best way to recover any money which is owed is to take the roommate to court.

What happens if one or more of my roommates leave before the lease expires?

Under most tenancy agreements each person is responsible to the landlord for the whole rent, no matter the private arrangement between roommates. Therefore if one or more roommates leave the remaining tenants must cover for this. As such it is very important that all roommate agreements are thought out and committed to paper.


Who can I call about potential safety problems in my unit?

When dealing with safety issues, you may call a health inspector, building inspector, the Maintenance and Standards Unit of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (for maintenance or safety problems in areas with no municipal standards), or the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations if there are problems with the building’s elevators.

Can a landlord interfere with vital services?

No. A landlord can never shut off or interfere with a tenant’s supply of hydro, fuel (e.g. natural gas, oil) or hot or cold water.

Can a landlord enter a tenants’ unit?

A landlord may enter a tenant’s unit under certain circumstances; sometimes notice is required, sometimes it is not.

  • A landlord can enter a tenant’s unit, without notice, in cases of emergency, or if the tenant agrees to it at the time of entry, or if the tenancy agreement states that the landlord will clean the unit at specified times (if times are not specified, this can be done between 8am and 8pm).
  • A landlord can enter a tenant’s unit, without notice, between 8am and 8pm, to show the unit to a prospective tenant if the landlord or tenant has given a notice to termination or if the landlord and tenant have agreed to terminate the tenancy. The landlord must try to inform the tenant that they will be entering the unit.
  • A landlord can enter a tenant’s unit with 24 hours written notice, between 8am to 8 pm, in order to do repairs, to show the unit to a potential buyer, mortgage or insurer, or for any other reasonable purpose that is set out in the tenancy agreement.

Can a tenant object if the landlord wants to enter their unit?

If the landlord enters the tenant’s unit in accordance with the law, the tenant cannot object. However, if a landlord enters a tenant’s unit illegally, the tenant may make an application the Tribunal. If the Tribunal finds that the landlord has interfered with the tenant’s reasonable enjoyment of the premises, the Tribunal may order, for example, that the tenant receive an abatement of rent or that the landlord pay a fine. It is up to an adjudicator to decide.

Can landlords come to the apartment anytime that they want?

No, the Tenant Protection Act protects the privacy of the tenant. A landlord cannot enter the premises without giving 24 hours written notice of intention to enter the premises. The time, (during daylight hours only, at which the landlord will enter the premises must be specified. Even if the landlord has given notice, there is no absolute right of entry unless granted under the tenancy agreement. The only exceptions are: in case of emergency; to show the premises to a prospective tenant at reasonable hours after you have given your notice of termination; and when the tenant agrees to entry at the time of such entry.

Can a tenant change the locks if the landlord enters the unit?

A tenant cannot change the locks without the landlord’s consent.

Can a landlord change the locks? If they do, do they have to give the tenant a new key?

A landlord can change the locks as long as they provide the tenant with a replacement key.

Can a landlord charge the tenant for the new keys?

A tenant would not have to pay for the new keys where the landlord decides to replace the lock with a new one.

Can they charge for replacement keys?

If a tenant loses a set of keys, the landlord can require the tenant to pay the cost of having a replacement set of keys made.

Frequently Asked Questions for Landlords

What is the Off Campus Living Program?

The Off Campus Living program is designed to assist students in connecting to housing off campus. We connect students who are looking for places to live, with landlords who have rental listings on our website. We provide resources for both landlords and students to make renting experiences pleasant.

How do I list on the website?

To list on our website, please see our "Get Listed" tab under the "For Landlords" menu for a detailed step by step guide.

I made an account but can’t sign in?

Our office is transitioning to a listing service provided through Places4Students, so new accounts are not being accepted on this website. To post a listing, please create an account with Places4Students and they will be able to provide you with information about listing.

What can I do if I run into trouble with my tenant?

The Off Campus Living program can’t offer legal help directly, but if you have any issues or concerns contact us and we will point you to the appropriate resource. We have various legal resources that can inform and assist landlords and students on what to do in certain situations.