Dr. Steve Hansen

Areas of Specialization:
Human Movement Behaviour AnalysisHuman Sensory-Movement SystemsMovement Control in Special Populations
Research Interests:
Visual control of upper limb movementsMeasurement and quantification of individual differences in the preparation and execution of movementKinematic analyses of the movements of individuals from typically developing and special populationsTheoretical modelling of movement control and movement rehabilitation
Book Chapters:
Hansen, S., Grierson, L. E. M., Khan, M. A., & Elliott D. (2010). Rapid regulation of limb trajectories: Response to perturbation. In D. Elliott & M. A. Khan (Eds.). Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioural Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Elliott, D., Hansen, S., & Grierson, L. E. M. (2010).The legacy of R.S. Woodworth: The two component model revisited. In D. Elliott & M. A. Khan (Eds.). Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioural Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Elliott, D., Khan, M. A., & Hansen, S. (2010). The optimization of speed, accuracy and energy in goal-directed aiming. In D. Elliott & M. A. Khan (Eds.). Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioural Perspectives. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Elliott, D., Hansen, S. & Grierson, L. E. M. (2009). Optimising speed and energy expenditure in accurate visually-directed upper limb movements. In T. Reilly & G. Atkinson (Eds.), Contemporary Sport, Leisure and Ergonomics (pp. 291-306). Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Hansen, S., Hayes, S., & Bennett, S. J. (2013). Integration of alternating monocular samples during goal-directed aiming. Motor Control, 17, 95-104.
Hansen, S., Gonzalez, D., & Lyons, J. L. (2013). Separating responses based on demand characteristics and phenomenological-spatial associations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 117, 578-596.
Tremblay, L., Hansen, S., Kennedy, A. D., & Cheng, D. T. (2013). The utility of vision during action: Multiple visual-motor processes? Journal of Motor Behavior, 45, 91-99.
Patterson, J. T., Carter, M., & Hansen, S. (2013). Self-controlled KR schedules: Does repetition order matter? Human Movement Science, 32, 567-579.
McAuliffe, J., Johnson, M. J., Weaver, B., Deller-Quinn, M., & Hansen, S. (2013). Body position differentially influences responses to exogenous and endogenous cues. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 75, 1342-1346.
Bennett, S. J., O’Donnell, D., Hansen, S., & Barnes, G. R. (2012). Facilitation of ocular pursuit during transient occlusion of externally-generated target motion by concurrent upper limb movement. Journal of Vision, 12, 1-16.
Hansen, S., Pfeiffer, J., & Patterson, J. T. (2011). Accounting for the absolute amount of KR using a yoked group with self-control. Journal of Motor Behavior, 43, 113-119.
Hansen, S., Hayes, S. & Bennett, S. (2011).Inter-ocular and intra-ocular integration during prehension: Exploring the capacity to plan and execute movements. Neuroscience Letters, 487, 17-21.
Elliott, D., & Hansen, S. (2010). Visual regulation of aiming: A comparison of methods. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 1087-1095.
Elliott, D., Hansen, S., Grierson, L. E. M., Lyons, J. L., Bennett, S. J., & Hayes, S. J. (2010). Goal-directed aiming: Two components, but multiple processes. Psychological Bulletin, 136, 1023-1044.
Hayes, S., Hansen, S., & Elliott, D. (2010). Between nervous system effects on attention and action: Joe and Fred revisited. Psychological Research, 74, 302-312.
Hansen, S.(2010). Determining the temporal limits of a visual sample for visual regulation. Journal of Motor Behavior, 42, 107-110.
Sonnadara, R. R., Gonzalez, D., Hansen, S., Elliott, D., & Lyons, J. L. (2009).Spatial properties of perceived pitch: Influence on reaching movements. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, The Neurosciences and Music III: Disorders and Plasticity, 1169, 503-507.
Glazebrook, C. M., Gonzalez, D., Hansen, S., & Elliott, D. (2009). The role of vision for online control of manual aiming movements in persons with Autism spectrum disorders. Autism, 13, 411-433.
Elliott, D., Hansen, S., & Grierson, L. E. M. (2009).Optimising speed and energy expenditure in visually directed upper limb movements. Ergonomics, 52, 439-447.
Hansen, S., & Elliott, D. (2009). Three-dimensional manual responses to unexpected target perturbations during rapid aiming. Journal of Motor Behavior, 41, 16-29.
Hansen, S., Elliott, D., & Khan, M. A. (2008). Quantifying the variability of three-dimensional aiming movements using ellipsoids. Motor Control, 12, 241-251.
Grierson, L. E. M., Welsh, T. N., Hansen, S., Hodges, N. J., Hayes, S., Lyons, J. L., & Elliott, D. (2008). The response activation model and cross-modal facilitation and inhibition of return: A trajectory analysis. Open Psychology Journal, 1, 35-41.
Hansen, S., Tremblay, L., & Elliott, D. (2008). Real time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming. Human Movement Science, 27, 1-11.
Hansen, S., Elliott, D., & Khan, M. A. (2007). Comparing derived and acquired acceleration profiles: Three dimensional optical electronic data analyses. Behavior Research Methods, 39, 748-754.
Hansen, S., Elliott, D., & Tremblay, L. (2007).Gender differences in discrete action following visual perturbation. Perception, 36, 268-287.
Khan, M. A., Franks, I. M., Elliott, D., Lawrence, G. P., Chua, R., Bernier, P-M., Hansen, S., & Weeks, D. J. (2006). Inferring online and offline processing of visual feedback in target directed movements from kinematic data. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 30, 1106-1121.
Hansen, S., Glazebrook, C. M., Anson, J. G., Weeks, D. J., & Elliott, D. (2006). The influence of advance information about target knowledge and visual feedback on movement planning and execution. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 200-208.
Lyons, J. L., Hansen, S., Hurding, S., & Elliott, D. (2006). Energy minimization during vertical and horizontal goal-directed movements. Experimental Brain Research, 174, 95-100.
Hansen, S., Lyons, J. L., & Keetch, K. M. (2006). Attentional and motor response priming in a bimanual task. Motor Control, 10, 280-290.
Elliott, D., Welsh, T. N., Lyons, J. L., Hansen, S., & Wu, M. (2006). Visual regulation of goal-directed reaching movements in adults with Williams syndrome and other developmental delays. Motor Control, 10, 34-54.
Mendoza, J., Hansen, S., Glazebrook, C. M., Keetch, K. M., & Elliott, D. (2005).Visual illusions affect both movement planning and on-line control: A multiple cue position. Human Movement Science, 24, 760-773.
Hansen, S., & Elliott, D. (2005). Nomadic inhibition of attention and motor responses. Human Movement Science, 24, 744-759.
Hansen, S., Cullen, J. D., & Elliott, D. (2005). Self-selected visual information during discrete manual aiming. Journal of Motor Behavior, 37, 343-347.
Hansen, S., Sheahan, B., Wu, M., Lyons, J. L., Welsh, T. N., & Elliott, D. (2005). Specificity of learning in adults with and without Down syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 22, 237-252.
Hansen, S., Tremblay, L. & Elliott, D. (2005). Part and whole practice: Chunking and on-line control in the acquisition of a serial motor task. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 60-66.
Handlovsky, I., Hansen, S., Lee, T. D., & Elliott, D. (2004). The Ebbinghaus illusion affects on-line movement control. Neuroscience Letters, 366, 308-311.
Elliott, D., Hansen, S., Mendoza, J., & Tremblay, L. (2004). Learning to optimize speed, accuracy and energy expenditure: A preliminary model of goal-directed aiming. Journal of Motor Behavior, 36, 339-351.