Dr. Kurt Clausen

Research Interests:
History of Canadian Education, Curriculum Policy, Organizational Design, Educational Leadership, Teacher Education, Action Research
Research Projects:
- The Use of Action Research in Teacher Education and Graduate Programs with Dr. Glenda Black (Funded by an Institutional Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – SSHRC, 2019)
- Far from Normal: A Comparative Historical Study of Teacher Education with Dr. Lynn Lemisko, University of Saskatchewan (Funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant, 2017)
- Rebels in Charge: Ontario’s Educational Revolution, 1959-1973 (Funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant, 2013)
- The Light in the Sky: The Creation and Legacy of the Hall-Dennis Report (Funded by a SSHRC Standard Research Grant, 2009)
Dr. Clausen has been the Editor-in-Chief of The Canadian Journal of Action Research since 2001 (funded by EBSCO since 2014; by SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals Grant since 2019).
Herbert T. Coutts Distinguished Service Award (2020)
Canadian Society for the Study of Education
Research Achievement Award (2020)
Nipissing University
ARNA Eduardo Flores Leadership Award (2019)
The Action Research Network of the Americas
Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award (2017)
For Provoking Curriculum Studies: Strong Poetry and the Arts of the Possible.
Distinguished Service Award (2015)
The Canadian Association of Foundations of Education
Edited Books
Clausen, K., & Black, G. L. (Eds.). (2020). The future of action research in education: A Canadian perspective. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
Clausen, K., Frost, L., & Black, G.L. (in Press) From design to implementation: A five-year assessment at Nipissing University. In J. Kitchen & D. Petrarca (Eds.), Initial teacher education in Ontario: The four-semester teacher education programs after five years (pp. x-x). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
Van Nuland, S., Clausen, K. & Petrarca, D. (In Press) The (Re)Shaping and (Re)Constructing of Teacher Education in Ontario, Canada. In J. Madalińska-Michalak, M. Assunção Flores, E. Ling Low & S. Van Nuland (eds.). Recruiting and Educating the Best Teachers - Policy, Professionalism and Pedagogy. New York, NY/Berlin: Springer.
Lemisko, L. & Clausen, K. (2017) Born of cooperation? Teacher Education Curriculum in Saskatchewan, 1905- 1975. In T. Christou (ed.) The Curriculum History of Canadian Teacher Education. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Lemisko, L. & Clausen, K. (2017) The ‘National Dream’ to Cultural Mosaic: State Sponsored History in Canadian Education. In N. Wouters & B. Bevernage (eds). State-Sponsored History after 1945. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan Ltd.
Clausen, K. (2016) Action Research in the Canadian Context. In L. Rowell, C.D. Bruce, J.M. Shosh & M. Reil (eds.) International Handbook of Action Research. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan Ltd.
Clausen, K. (2016) From Vigour to Rigour: Tensionality and Ontario’s Unbalanced Curriculum, 1963 – 2013. In A. Ibrahim, N. Ng-A-Fook & G. Reis (eds.) Provoking Curriculum Studies: Strong Poetry and the Arts of the Possible. Oxford: Routledge. Pp 213-226
Clausen, K. (2015) Five Chapters in T. Horton & L. Lemisko (eds). Educator to Educator: Unpacking and Repacking Generative Concepts in Social Studies. Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishing. “A Case for Appeal”; “Ancient Social Justice in a Modern Reality”; “Studying Democracy as an Endangered Species”; “A Uniform Adherence to Diversity”; “The Tight-Fitting Suit of Multiculturalism”.
Clausen, K. (2015) Three Chapters in D. Mandzuk & S. Hasinoff (eds.) Case Studies in Educational Foundations: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press. “No place for God here”; “Your school library, more or less”; “Corporate takeover”.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Lemisko, L., Porter, G. & Clausen, K. (In Press). Community and Teacher Education, Convergence or Divergence? Saskatoon and the Saskatoon Normal School, 1930 -1950. Alberta Journal of Educational Research.
Horton, T. & Clausen, K. (2015) Extending the History Curriculum : Exploring World War II Europe’s Victors, Vanquished, and Occupied through Film. The History Teacher. 41(2): 321-338.
Clausen, K. & Easton, A. (2015) The Religious Factor in Ontario’s Educational Policy Making: The Hall-Dennis Report, 1965-1968. Religion & Education. 42(1): 81-98.
Clausen, K. (2014) Educational Reform in Ontario: The Importance of Pleasant Avenue School, 1962–1975. Historical Studies in Education. 26(1): 67-88.
Clausen, K. (2012) Ontario’s Plowden Report: British influence on the Canadian Education System in the 1960s. History of Education 42(2): 204-221.
Horton, T., Lemisko, L. & Clausen, K. (2011) Citizenship and sexuality: Exploring diverse sexualities in selected curriculum documents. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 10(4): 193-206.
Clausen, K. & Drake, S. (2010) Interdisciplinary Practices in Ontario: Past & present. In special journal issue Yves Lenoir & Julie Thompson Klein (eds.) Issues in Integrative Studies. Issue 28.
Clausen, K. (2010) Alternative Education versus the Common Will. Journal of Thought. 45(3 & 4): 95-111.
Clausen, K. (2010) Professional Development and the Needs of the Smaller Rural School. The Journal of Rural Education Policy and Practice. 2(1).