Dr. Julie Corkett

Areas of Specialization:
Special education
Educational psychology
Research Interests:
Reading ability
Global education
Assistive technology
English language learning
Current & Future Research:
Title of Research Project:Influence of Interational Practicum on Pre-service teachers' Sense of Self-efficacy
Principal Investigators: Dr. Julie K. Corkett, Tina Benevides and Dr. Blaine E. Hatt
Summary:The study examines how pre-service teachers' sense of self-efficacy is influenced by international practica. Specifically, (1) Is pre-service teachers' sense of self-efficacy affected differently by international practica than by in-province practica? (2) Is pre-service teachers' sense of self-efficacy affected by the increased academic challenges in international practica? (3) How does international practicum affect pre-service teachers' sense of efficacy in student engagement? (4) How does international practica affect pre-service teachers' sense of efficacy in instructional practices? and (5) How does international practica affect pre-service teachers' sense of efficacy in classroom management?
Title of Research Project: Pre-service teacher's perceptions of pedagocial orientation in international practica
Principal Investigators: Dr. Julie K. Corkett, Dr. Blaine E. Hatt and Tina Benevides
Summary: The purpose of the study is to examine and compare how pre-service teachers' pre and post practicum perceptions of teaching and learning are affected by their experiences in an international practicum. Specifically, (a) What are the a priori conceptions that pre-service teachers have regarding pedagogical orientation in an other country? (b) What are the a posterori conceptions that pre-service teachers have regarding pedagogical orientation in an other? (c) What factors and experiences contribute to the pre-service teachers' a posteriori conceptions? (d) How their posteriori conceptions may influence the pre-service teachers' future pedagogical practices?
Title of Research Project:Pre-service teachers' perceptions and use of assistive technology
Principal Investigators: Dr. Julie K. Corkett, Ken Waller, M. Ed., Dr. Darlene Brackenreed, Dr. Mumbi Kariuki
Summary:The purpose of the proposed project is to understand how pre-service teachers' perceive and use assistive technology during their practica. Pre-service teachers in the primary/junior division will complete a questionnaire that examines the availability of assistive technology on their placement and how they used the assistive technology on their placements. They will also complete a perception of assistive technology questionnaire that will be administered three times: (a) immediately prior to being taught about assistive technology, (b) immediately after being taught about assistive technology, and (c) after the completion of their final practica
Peer Reviewed Publications
a) Journals
Corkett, J. K., Hatt, B. E., & Benevides, T. (2011). Student and teacher self-efficacy and the connection to reading and writing. Canadian Journal of Education, 34(1), 65-98.
Corkett, J. K. & Hatt, B. E. (2011). TELL: A model of successful English language learning. Review of Higher Education and Self-learning, 4(8), 58-69.
Corkett, J. K. & Parrila, R. (2008). Use of context in the word recognition process by adults with a significant history of reading difficulties. Annals of Dyslexia, 58, 139-161.
Corkett, J. K., Hein, S. F., & Parrila, R. (2008). Compensating for reading difficulties: Investigation of university students’ experiences of influential personal characteristics. Exceptionality Education Canada, 18, 51-68.
Parrila, R., Georgiou, G., & Corkett, J. (2007). University students with a significant history of reading difficulties: What is and is not compensated? Exceptionality Education Canada, 17, 195-220.
Corkett, J. K., Parrila, R., & Hein, S. (2006). Learning and study strategies of high-functioning developmental dyslexics in post-secondary education. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 34, 57-79.
b) Book
Corkett, J. K. (2008).A Paradigm Shift.In R. Richardson & C. Richardson. (Eds.), “Walking the Talk” Putting Theory into Practice: Narratives from a Faculty of Education (pp. 57-60). Calgary, AB: Termeron Books Inc.
Corkett, J. K. (2008). Personal Spotlight. In T. E. C. Smith, E. A. Polloway, J. R. Patton, C. A. Dowdy, L. J. McIntyre & G. C. Francis Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings (3rd ed.) p. 396. Toronto, ON: Pearson.
c) Proceedings
Corkett, J. K., Kariuki, M., Brackenreed, D., & Waller, K. (2011, March 7-11). Pre-service teacher’s perceptions of high-tech assistive technology. In proceedings of Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference 2011 in Nashville, TN, pp. 3625-3629. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Corkett, J. K. & Hatt, B. E. (2010, December 15 – 18). TELL: A model of successful English Language Learning. In proceedings of Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference in Las Vegas, NV, pp. 463-470.
Hatt, B. E. & Corkett, J. K. (2008, May 22-28). Post-modern instructional design: Teacher as slave. In proceedings of International Association for the Scientific Knowledge’s Conference Teaching and Learning, pp. 901-910. Aveiro, Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-99397-8-5
d) Thesis
Corkett, J. K. (2006). High-performing developmental dyslexics’ use of context in the word recognition process (Doctoral dissertation, University of Alberta, 2006). Dissertation Abstract International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences, 68 (1-A), 80.