Jennifer Gordon

Additionally, Jen works as a research assistant to the Rare Dementia Support Impact Study, this research informs the work of Rare Dementia Support Canada. Previously, Jen’s research for her Master of Social Work thesis built on her experience in her undergraduate studies where she focused on Maternal Health and Public Health. Jen’s MSW research focused on mother’s experiences combining the unpaid physical labour of breastfeeding with paid employment outside the home. In 2014 and 2015 Jen worked as the Community Development Coordinator for the Northern Ontario Postpartum Mood Disorders Project. Working for the Community Counselling Centre of Nipissing and in partnership with the Thunder Bay Counselling Centre and B’saanibamaadsiwin Aboriginal Mental Health Program this Trillium Funded Project worked with communities across Northern Ontario to develop a Strategy on to build awareness and present recommendations on Perinatal Mental Health. To see more about this project please visit