Dr. Carly Dokis

Areas of Specialization:
Environmental anthropology, ethnology of northern Canada, decolonizing and emancipatory research methodologies.
Research Interests:
Political ecology of environmental governance; participatory processes within environmental management and assessment; extractive industries; Indigenous-state relations; water governance in Indigenous communities, narrative anthropology, critical heritage studies.
Current & Future Research:
2020-2025 Taking Care of Our Stories (SSHRC Insight Grant, Principal Investigator)
2019-2020 Place-Based Reparative Environmental Histories: Symposium 2.0 (SSHRC Connection Grant, Collaborator)
2017-2022 Mno Nimkodadding Geegi (We Are All Connected): The Ontario Node of the Indigenous Mentorship Network Program (CIHR Training Grant, Co-Investigator)
2015-2019 Contested Waters: Exploring the Lived Experience of Water Quality Risks in an Anishinaabe Community in Northern Ontario (SSHRC Insight Development Grant, Principal Investigator)
2013 -2015 Sustainable Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Through A Bottom-Up Participatory Technology Development Process – A Case Study in three Indigenous Communities in Canada (NSERC Canadian Water Network, Co-Investigator)
Dokis, Carly. 2023. "Imposing Calculations: The visibility and invisibility of harm in the Mackenzie Gas Project environmental assessment." Frontiers in Sociology, 7, 1056277. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsoc.2022.1056277
Dokis, Carly. 2022. “Constructing and Contesting Temporalities in the Mackenzie Gas Project Environmental Assessment.” In Arctic Abstractive Industry, ed. Arthur Mason, 133-153. Oxford & Brooklyn: Berghahn Books.
Lukawiecki, Jessica, Rhonda Gagnon, Carly Dokis, Dan Walters, Lewis Molot. 2021. “Indigenous Consultation in the Development of Ontario’s Great Lakes Protection Act.” International Journal of Water Resources Development 37, 4:603-618.
Dokis, Carly. 2020. “Hauling Water.” In Search After Method: Sensing, Moving, and Imagining in Anthropological Fieldwork, eds. Julie Laplante, Ari Gandsman, and Willow Scobie, 108-111. Oxford & Brooklyn: Berghahn Books.
Dokis, Carly. 2019. “Review of Peter Kulchyski, Report of an Inquiry into an Injustice: Begade Shutagot’ine and the Sahtu Treaty.” Canadian Journal of Native Studies 38, 2:206-208.
Restoule, Paige, Carly Dokis, and Benjamin Kelly. 2018. “Working to Protect the Water: Stories of Connection and Transformation.” In Indigenous Research: Theories, Practices, and Relationships, eds. Deborah. McGregor and Rochelle Johnston, 219-239. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Dokis, Carly. 2017. “Knowing Land, Quantifying Nature: Assessing Environmental Impacts in the Sahtu Region, Northwest Territories.” In Critical Norths: Space, Nature, Theory, eds. Sarah Jaquette Ray & Kevin Maier, 191-216. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press.
Dokis, Carly. 2016. “Shapeshifters, the Petro-State, and the Making of Uncertain Futures in the Canadian North.” Hot Spots. Cultural Anthropology on-line. https://culanth.org/fieldsights/928-shapeshifters-the-petrostate-and-th…
Murton, James, Dean Bavington, and Carly Dokis. 2016. Subsistence Under Capitalism: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Rural, Wildland and Resources Studies Series. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s Press.
Dokis, Carly. 2016. “Treating Your Food Good: Changing Natures and Economies in the Northwest Territories.” In Anthropology: what does it mean to be Human? Fourth Edition. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dokis, Carly. 2015. Where the Rivers Meet: Pipelines, Participatory Resource Management, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Northwest Territories. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Dokis, Carly and Benjamin Kelly. 2014. “Learning to Listen: Reflections on Fieldwork in First Nation Communities in Canada.” Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards Pre & Post. September, 2014: 2-3.
Dokis, Carly. 2010. “Modern Day Treaties: ‘Development,’ Politics, and the Corporatization of Land in the Sahtu Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement.” Geography Research Forum. Special Issue: Aboriginal Canadians Issues and Challenges, 30: 32-49.
Stubbs, Thom and Dokis, Carly. 2009. “Socio-Economic Effects of Increased Arctic Shipping.” In Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment 2005-2008. Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment International Secretariat (permanent working group of the Arctic Council): Akureyri, Iceland. Section 5.
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2017.
The Hill Times List of Best Books for 2016 for Where the Rivers Meet: Pipelines, Participatory Resource Management, and Aboriginal-State Relations in the Northwest Territories, 2017.
Research Matters – Top 50 Research Partnerships in Ontario, Council of Ontario Universities, 2017.