Textbook Listing

Fall Term (September 6 to December 5, 2016)

Before purchasing course materials, ensure you are ordering the correct items.

For online elective (section 801) and non-elective (section 881) courses you must purchase these textbooks through the Education Centre Campus Shop..

For classes that are traditional lectures, blended delivery or synchronous online (section 841), you can purchase these textbooks through your college campus book store.


Sections Course Textbook
822, 823, 826, 829 ACCT-2146 - Management Accounting and Control (I) Title: Managerial Accounting W/Connect Access Code Edition: 10th Cdn
Author: Garrison, Chesley, Carroll, Webb
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9781259103278
822, 823, 826, 828, 829 ACCT-4816 - Personal Taxation Title: Canadian Tax Principles plus Companion Website with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Edition: 2016-2017 edition 
Author: Byrd, Chen 
Publisher: Pearson 
ISBN-10: 0134568397 ISBN-13: 9780134568393
822, 823, 826, 829 ACCT-4827 - Auditing Title: Auditing: An International Approach
Edition: 7th
Author: Wally J. Smieliauskas, Kathryn Bewley
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9781259259876 (with Connect) 
822, 826, 828, 829 ACCT-4836 - Advanced Accounting (I) Title: Advanced Financial Accounting Edition: 7th edition
Author: Beechy, Trivedi, MacAuley
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9780132928939
823 ACCT-4836 - Advanced Accounting (I) Title: Hilton & Herauf's Modern Advanced Accounting
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Ryerson; 7 edition (March 15 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1259066487 ISBN-13: 978-1259066481


Administrative Studies

Sections Course Textbook
822, 823, 826, 828, 829 ADMN-1607 - Business Mathematics Title: Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences Edition: 7th
Author: Tan
Publisher: Nelson
ISBN: 9781305107908
828 ADMN-2136 - Research in Management Title: Practical Research: Planning and Design with Enhanced Pearson Etext -- Access Card Package Edition: 11th
Author: Leedy, Ormrod
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9780134013503
823, 826 ADMN-2706 - Introduction to Intercultural Management Title: Understanding Cross-Cultural Management Edition: 3rd edn, 3/E
Publisher: Roger Price, University of Nyenrode
Author: Marie-Joelle Browaeys, University of Nyenrode
ISBN-13: 9781292015897



Sections Course Textbook
822 FINC-3116 - Financial Management (I) Title: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (comes with Connect Plus) Edition: 5th Cdn
Author: Brealey, Myers, Marcus, Maynes, Mitra
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780071320573



Sections Course Textbook
829 MTKG 2127 - Marketing for Managers Title: A Preface to Marketing Management Edition: 14th
Author: Peter, Donnelly
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 9780077861063


Organizational Studies

Sections Course Textbook
822 ORGS-1136 - Introduction to Organizational Behaviour Title: Organizational Behaviour, Concepts, Controversies, Application Edition: 7th
Author: Langton, Robbins, Judge
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9780134097855


Technology Management

Sections Course Textbook
823 TMGT-1107 - Intro to Innovation, Technology, and Sustainability No Textbook