The Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre is Open for Business

Sparrow Family Members
L-R: Mac Sparrow, Linda Sparrow, Cathy Tremblay, Pam Laycock & Dian Laycock
Students in Nipissing University’s School of Business now have the opportunity to connect with the North Bay community through the Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre. Due to a generous contribution from the Sparrow Family, the university has created a new space on campus where students will engage in experiential learning by developing knowledge, skills and values from direct experiences outside a traditional academic setting, which includes hands-on engagement opportunities with the community. The Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre will facilitate connection between students, faculty and the community with a space for generating and sharing ideas, providing valuable workshops and engaging in a dialogue with community partners regarding their business needs.

“We are grateful for the commitment from the Sparrow Family and their support of the School of Business,” said Dr. Mike DeGagné, President and Vice-Chancellor of Nipissing University. “Our business programs will be able to connect students to valuable and unique learning opportunities that bridge academic interests with our community. We are honoured to welcome the Sparrow Family into the Nipissing family and are inspired by the contributions that Tena and Herb Sparrow and the family have made within North Bay and the greater Northern Ontario community.”
“The reason we choose to support Nipissing University and create the Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre is because our Dad and Grandfather (Herb Sparrow), and our Mom and Grandmother (Tena Sparrow) were self-made entrepreneurs here in North Bay,” says Pam Laycock, granddaughter of the late Herb and Tena Sparrow. “Together they supported several business start-ups in Northern Ontario and have always felt that it was important to do their part to give back to the greater community. They saw the value of education and helped many students in their pursuit of higher education.”
“The Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre is the embodiment of these wonderful aspects of Herb and Tena’s legacy in this community and we are honoured that it will support students in their academic journeys for years to come,” said Laycock.
The Sparrow Experiential Learning Centre space is now open for students, faculty and community to come together and provide important work-related social skills for students, and increase their confidence about the future.