Nipissing students to learn from new Executive in Residence

Local mining executive named to new post
North Bay, ON, October 4, 2018 - Students in Nipissing University's School of Business have a fantastic new resource available to help them learn and connect classroom theory to real world business settings. The university has appointed George Flumerfelt, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Redpath Group, as the inaugural Executive in Residence. Flumerfelt will serve as an important link between the classroom and boardroom by delivering guest lectures , mentoring students, and providing feedback on program development.
"We are thrilled and honoured that Mr. Flumerfelt has accepted this prestigious new post within the School of Business," said Dr. John Nadeau, Interim Associate Dean of Nipissing's Faculty of Applied and Professional Studies. "Our business programs emphasize the value of experiential learning and Mr. Flumerfelt's wealth of experience leading an international company provides highly valuable context for students that will engage students and support learning."
George Flumerfelt, P.Eng., joined Redpath in 2003 and was promoted to his current position in 2005. Prior to joining Redpath, Flumerfelt held various mine management roles with Noranda Inc. and Freeport McMoran in Canada, Africa and Indonesia. During his tenure at Redpath, the company has undergone significant growth and today provides mine development, shaft sinking, raiseboring, contract mining and construction services to the global mining industry. Headquartered in North Bay, Ontario, Redpath has business offices in Australia, Canada, Chile, Indonesia, Mongolia, South Africa and the United States and is currently undertaking projects in 15 countries.
"I am honoured to serve in this important role and look forward to engaging with students and faculty and sharing my experiences with the next generation of business leaders," said Flumerfelt.
The two-year term of this voluntary position began September 1, 2018, and Flumerfelt has already been working with faculty in the School of Business to best meet the needs of students. He will deliver his first guest lecture to a group of upper year business students next month where he will discuss the Redpath story and highlight some of the challenges, opportunities and decisions encountered along the way.