Psych talk on testosterone and aggression

Nipissing University’s psychology department is pleased to announce its speaker series, with the first speaker, new faculty member Dr. Justin Carre, set to roll on Friday, September 20, in room A257 at 2p.m.Dr. Carre’s talk is titled The Social Neuroendocrinology of Human AggressionHere is the abstract:
Across the animal kingdom, testosterone concentrations fluctuate rapidly during competitive interactions and theoretical models suggest that such context dependent changes in testosterone may serve to rapidly fine-tune dominance behaviour. In this talk, I will present evidence from our lab indicating that testosterone responses to competition predict competitive motivation and reactive aggression in men, but not women. I will also discuss our most recent work from a long-term social cognitive intervention program that effectively reduced aggressive behaviour in adulthood, in part, through dampening neuroendocrine responses to social provocation. Finally, I will present recent neuroimaging findings from a novel pharmacologic challenge paradigm indicating that a single administration of testosterone rapidly modulates the neural circuitry underlying threat processing and reactive aggression.
