
The mission of the School of Graduate Studies is to define and support excellence in graduate education at Nipissing University. To achieve this goal, the primary roles and functions of the School of Graduate Studies are to articulate a vision of excellence for the graduate community, to provide an inter-university perspective on graduate education, to enhance the intellectual and research community of scholars among graduate students and graduate faculty and to serve as an advocate for graduate education and graduate students within the institution. The Graduate Studies Committee is the body that directs and oversees the administration of graduate education, defining what constitutes graduate education at Nipissing University, maintaining equity in program and degree standards across all academic disciplines, providing quality control over all aspects of graduate education and maintaining equity and fairness in the treatment of graduate students.

Approved by the Nipissing University Academic Quality Assurance and Planning Committee on April 24, 2020.

Graduate Faculty Membership Policy

Office of Accountability

Graduate Studies & Research

Office of Administrative Responsibility

School of Graduate Studies

Approving Body

Graduate Studies Committee

Approval Date

December 9, 2019

Renewal Date

December 9, 2024


Graduate Faculty Members are those from within the university who’s scholarly or professional accomplishments merit association with a graduate program housed either within or outside of their department/school. Graduate Faculty Memberships are appointed for a period of five years, after which they must be renewed.


Membership is obtained in two ways:​

  1. Through inclusion in a successful application for program approval through the Nipissing University Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP).
  2. By application for Graduate Faculty Membership

Application Process

  1. Complete the Application for Graduate Faculty Membership and forward it, along with an up to date CV, to the School of Graduate Studies.
  2. The Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, in consultation with the corresponding Faculty Dean and Graduate Program Coordinators/Chairs, will either approve or decline the application. The Deans and Graduate Program Coordinators/Chair might also recommend a different level of membership than the one requested by the applicant.

Criteria for Membership

  • An earned doctoral degree (PhD or equivalent or terminal degree in the discipline),
  • Significant publications in the areas of approved for offering graduate programs and a sustained and active record of research productivity and scholarly output; these should include refereed publications,
  • Graduate teaching or co-teaching experience and dissertation/thesis/major research paper supervision or committee membership will also be taken into account,
  • An on-going research program,
  • External research grants are highly desirable, though not required.

Types of Membership

Full Graduate Faculty - Voting:

Full Graduate Faculty - Voting Membership status is typically granted to faculty within the department of the graduate program. Full voting members are expected to actively participate in the governance of the program.

Full Member - Voting privileges include:
  • Teach graduate courses (at the discretion of the Faculty Dean),
  • Supervise or co-supervise dissertations/theses/major research papers,
  • Participate as committee members in supervisory and examination committees
  • Vote in the governance of the program
  • Attend Graduate Program Committee Meetings

Full Graduate Faculty – Non-Voting:

Full Graduate Faculty Membership – Non-Voting status is typically granted to faculty outside of the department of the graduate program yet they can offer a unique set of expertise in terms of supervising students. Full non-voting members may solely supervise students but do not participate in the governance of the program.

Full Member - Non-Voting privileges include:
  • Teach graduate courses (at the discretion of the Faculty Dean),
  • Supervise or co-supervise dissertations/theses/major research papers,
  • Participate as committee members in supervisory and examination committees

Associate Graduate Faculty - Voting:

Associate Graduate Faculty Membership – Voting status is usually granted to faculty who are new to Nipissing or who have limited experience in teaching and supervising graduate students. Associate voting members are expected to actively participate in the governance of the program.

Associate Member - Voting privileges include:
  • Teach graduate courses (at the discretion of the Faculty Dean),
  • Co-Supervise dissertations/theses/major research papers,
  • Participate as committee members in supervisory and examination committees
  • Vote in governance of the program
  • Attend Graduate Program Committee Meetings

Associate Graduate Faculty – Non-Voting:

Associate Graduate Faculty Membership – Non-voting status is usually granted to faculty who are new to Nipissing or who have limited experience in teaching and supervising graduate students. Associate non-voting may also be outside of the program’s department but would like to enhance their graduate involvement. Associate non-voting members do not participate in the governance of the program.

Associate Member -Non-Voting privileges include:
  • Teach graduate courses (at the discretion of the Faculty Dean),
  • Co-Supervise dissertations/theses/major research papers,
  • Participate as committee members in supervisory and examination committees

Terms of Membership

All graduate faculty members are appointed for a five year term. At the end of the five-year term, the member must renew his or her membership by reapplying.

In addition, graduate faculty membership is also reviewed during the regular cycle of program reviews. The status of any graduate faculty member is subject to approval/reapproval during the regular cycle review.