Student-Centred Course Design

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August 8, 2022
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August 8, 2022
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Add to Calendar 2022-08-08 11:00:00 2022-08-08 12:00:00 Student-Centred Course Design Designing with students in mind invites us to consider the realities of our students, to design with compassion and empathy, to pay attention to their needs, and to consider how we can help them succeed. In this session, Britta, Online Learning Partner, and Heather, Senior Instructional Designer, will consider practical strategies to enact a student-centred course design across a range of courses and disciplines. Zoom Nipissing University America/Toronto public

Designing with students in mind invites us to consider the realities of our students, to design with compassion and empathy, to pay attention to their needs, and to consider how we can help them succeed. In this session, Britta, Online Learning Partner, and Heather, Senior Instructional Designer, will consider practical strategies to enact a student-centred course design across a range of courses and disciplines. 

Note: this event was originally posted for June 27th, and has now been rescheduled to Aug 8th.