MES/MESc MRP and Thesis Proposals and Completion Process

1. Thesis and MRP Supervisory Committees and Proposals
MES/MESc degrees require completion of either a Major Research Paper or a Thesis. Proposals must be approved by the supervisory committee and approval forms are available through the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) (Forms and Procedures). A supervisory committee supports each graduate student in their research. Requirements for a supervisory committee are defined by SGS (Supervisory Committee Policy). The MES/MESc program hosts a spring Graduate Research Colloquia where graduate students present their research proposals for either their MRP and Thesis research.

2. Thesis and MRP Guidelines
General guidelines/and templates for theses at Nipissing University are available through SGS (approved by GSC in Fall 2022) and include both manuscript and chapter formats. There are no additional MES/MESc program specific thesis guidelines or requirements. General MRP guidelines are currently provided by individual programs. For the MES/MESc program, students should refer to the general theses formatting guidelines available through SGS and work in consultation with their supervisors for additional MRP specific guidance.

3. Thesis Oral Defense and Completion Process
Oral Thesis Defence Examination procedures are as outlined in the SGS Oral Defence Examination Regulation. The MES/MESc Thesis oral defence examination departs from the above regulation for one aspect of item III.IV (The Oral Defence Examination: Master’s Level). The oral defence examination includes a public presentation made by the student. The public is then invited to ask questions. After questions from the general audience, the public is invited to leave. The remainder of the MES/MESc oral defence is closed to the public and includes only the examination committee and the student.

4. MES/MESc MRP Completion Process
The MES/MESc MRP does not require an oral defence. Outlined below is a general description of the MRP submission process for the MES/MESc program. Please contact your Supervisor, Graduate Program Coordinator/Chair, or the Graduate Studies Coordinator (SGS) for additional information.

     4.1 The Supervisor and the student will establish the MRP Supervisory Committee, in preparation of the proposal approval stage. The purpose of the MRP committee is to oversee and assist the student with their chosen project. Requirements for a supervisory committee are defined by SGS (Forms and Procedures). The committee is made up of, at minimum, a faculty supervisor and one additional committee member who is also a Nipissing University Graduate Faculty member. Additional committee members external 2 to Nipissing University can be included, e.g. drawn from academic, government, community or private organizations directly related to their MRP topic.
     4.2 The Supervisory Committee submits the Proposal Approval form (Forms and Procedures), indicating MRP research is allowed to proceed.
     4.3 When the student is ready to submit their MRP, the Supervisory Committee is given two weeks to read the MRP and is asked to submit a brief memo to the Supervisor indicating the outcome of the report (PASS/FAIL) and indicating whether major revisions are requested.
    4.4 A closure meeting, including the student and the supervisory committee may be held in order to discuss the report and any required or recommended revisions.
    4.5 If revisions are required, a second memo noting that revisions have been completed will be submitted to the Graduate Program Chair by the Supervisor.
    4.6 All members of the Supervisory Committee are required to sign the Signature page and Certificate of Examination indicating approval of the final MRP