Dr. Brenda Bruner

Brenda Bruner Profile Photo
Professor / Faculty of Education and Professional Studies - Schulich School of Education - Physical and Health Education
Full-time Faculty
Graduate Program Faculty
BSc, University of Saskatchewan
MSc, University of Saskatchewan
PhD, University of Saskatchewan
Areas of Specialization:

Community-based physical activity health promotion

Research Interests:

Physical activity, healthy eating, Indigenous health, adolescent & emerging adult health 

Current Funding:
  • Opportunities for Moving More and Sitting Less: Exploring a Whole School Approach to Improve Children's 24-Hour Movement Patterns (Co-Principal Investigator) CIHR $504,900
  • Cultural Continuity and Physical Health: Creating a Model of Resiliency Among Indigenous Post-Secondary Students and Their Families (Principal Applicant) CIHR $149,858
  • Mno Nimkodadding Geegi “We Are All Connected”: The Ontario Node of the Indigenous Mentorship Network Program (Co-Applicant) CIHR $1,000,000
  • What's for Lunch?: Investigating the Experiences, Perceptions, and Habits of Parents and School Lunches (Co-Investigator) NU-IRG $5,000
  • The Teachable Moment after Cancer Diagnosis:  Health Behaviour Change, Rurality and Resources (Co-Investigator) NU-IRG $5,000
Last 5 years

Bruner, M., Lovelace, R., Hillier, S., Baillee, C., Hare, K., Head, C., Bruner, B., Paibomsai, A., Lavallee, L., Auski, M., Peliter, K., Lévesque, L. (in preparation).  Indigenous Youth Development through Sport and Physical Activity:  Sharing Voices, Stories and Experiences. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 14(2), 220 – 250. DOI 10.32799/ijih.v14i2.31945 

Tremblay MS, Longmuir PE, Barnes JD, Belanger K, Anderson KD, Bruner B, Copeland JL, Delisle Nyström C, Gregg MJ, Hall N, Kolen AM, Lane KN, Law B, MacDonald DJ, Martin LJ, Saunders TJ, Sheehan D, Stone MR, Woodruff SJ. Physical literacy levels of Canadian children aged 8-12 years: Descriptive and normative results from the RBC Learn to Play CAPL Project. BMC Public Health, 18(Supple 2); 1036, 2018.

Law B, Bruner BG, Scharoun-Benson, SM, Anderson KD, Gregg MJ, Hall N, Kolen AM, Lane KN, MacDonald DJ, Saunders TJ, Sheehan DP, Stone MR, Woodruff SJ, Belanger K, Barnes JD, Longmuir PE, Tremblay MS. Associations between teacher training and measures of physical literacy among Canadian 8 to 12 year old students. BMC Public Health, 18(2):1039, 2018.

MacDonald, DJ, Saunders, TJ. Longmuir, PE, Barnes, J., Belanger, K., Bruner, BG., Copeland, JL, Gregg, MJ, Hall, N., Kolen, AM, Law, B., Martin, LJ, Sheehan, D., Woodruff, SJ, &Tremblay, MS (September, 2017). A cross-sectional study exploring the relationship between age, sex, and physical measures with adequacy in and predilection for physical activity. BMC Public Health, 18(2):1038, 2018.

Belanger, K., Longmuir, PE., Barnes, JD., Anderson, KD., Bruner, BG., Copeland, JL., Gregg, MJ., Hall, N., Withers, SH., Kolen, AM., Lane, KN., Law, B., MacDonald, DJ., Martin, LJ., Saunders, TJ., Sheehan, D., Stone, M., Woodruff, SJ., Tremblay, MS. The relationship between physical literacy scores and adherence to Canadian physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines. BMC Public Health, 18(2):1042, 2018.

Saunders, TJ., MacDonald, DJ., Copeland, JL., Longmuir, PE., Barnes, JD., Belanger, K., Bruner, BG., Gregg, MJ., Hall, N., Kolen, AM., Law, B., Martin, LJ., Sheehan, D., Stone, M., Woodruff, SJ., Tremblay, MS. The relationship between sedentary behaviour and physical literacy in Canadian children: a cross-sectional analysis from the RBC-CAPL Learn to Play study.  BMC Public Health, 18(2):1037, 2018.

Lang, JJ., Chaput, JP., Longmuir, PE., Barnes, JD., Belanger, K., Tomkinson, GR., Anderson, KD., Bruner, BG., Copeland, JL., Gregg, MJ., Hall, N., Kolen, AM., Lane, KN., Law, B., MacDonald, DJ., Martin, LJ., Saunders, TJ., Sheehan, D., Stone, M., Woodruff, SJ., Tremblay, MS. Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with physical literacy among Canadian children aged 8 to 12 years. BMC Public Health, 18(2):1041, 2018.

Fisher, KL., Reeder, BA., Harrison, EL., Bruner, BG., Sheilds, CA., Pahwa, P., Sari, N. Ashworth, NL., Sheppard, MS., Chad, KE. Comparing Class-based and Home-Based Exercise for Older Adults with Chronic Health Conditions: 12-Month Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 26(3) 471-485, 2018.

Fisher, KL., Harrison, EL., Bruner, BG., Lawson, JA., Reeder, BA., Ashworth, NL., Sheppard, MS., Chad, KE.  Predictors of physical activity levels in community dwelling older adults: A multivariate approach based on a socio-ecological framework. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 26(1): 114-120, 2018.

Bruner, M.W., Hillier, S., Baillie, C.P.T., Lavallée, L.F., Bruner, B.G., Hare, K., Lovelace, R., & Lévesque, L. Positive Youth Development in Aboriginal Sport and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review. Adolescent Research Review, 1(3): 257-269, 2016.

Baillie, CPT., Emiry, K., Galaviz, KI., Bruner, MW., Bruner, BG., Lévesque, L.  Physical Activity Interventions to Promote Positive Youth Development among Indigenous Youth: A RE-AIM Review.  Translational Behavioral Medicine, 21:1-9, 2016.

Karvinen, K.H., Bruner, B.G., Truant, T. The teachable moment after cancer diagnosis: Perceptions from oncology nurses.  Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(6), 602-609, 2015.

Karvinen, K.H., Bruner, B.G., Truant, T.  Lifestyle Counseling Practices of Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 19(6):690-696, 2015