Common Universities Data Ontario (CUDO)

Click here for 2016-2017 data that covers a wide spectrum of information about Nipissing University.  It provides potential students, and their families, a deeper understanding about our University. This, in turn, should help them make more informed choices about the path that will help them best meet their own unique educational goals. 

The data, also known as the "Common University Data Ontario", provides detail information, in a standardized format. It shows, for example, data on:

  1. Degrees awarded, student enrolment and entering averages - all by program 
  2. Number of students living on campus and activities offered 
  3. Undergraduate student engagement 
  4. First-year tuition and ancillary fees by program 
  5. Number of teaching faculty at the university 
  6. Undergraduate class size, by year level 
  7. Research awards granted 
  8. Academic plans 
  9. Graduation rates and employment rates by program 
  10. Retention Rates 


It should be noted that the "Common University Data Ontario" is not the only source of information available to potential students. Talking to graduates and visiting institutions and interacting there with faculty, students and admissions offices are also important sources. Nonetheless, by providing "one-stop" access to highly relevant information, Nipissing University believes that the "Data Set" is a valuable addition in the toolkit available to prospective students and families as they proceed to make a very important and worthwhile decision.